Run import data in background

Related products: Windows GUI Universal GUI

The ability to run a task in the background in an endproduct should also be available when importing or exporting data in the various GUI's.

I'm importing a table with postalcodes (no default or layout on the table, only a trigger for tracefiels) takes probably an hour for 50.000 rows I'm guessing after waiting for 10 minutes.

It would be a great addition when such a job could be placed in the background so the GUI can be used to perform other tasks.

Ok, but then it would help if one could have some sort of insight in the (complete) backlog. I have a menu option in TCP, but it shows up a total of 0 things in the backlog. I hope there is more on the backlog than what I (or other non-Thinkwisers) can see....
Hi Henri,

This wish already exists on our backlog. Not planned yet.

Regards, Erik
Would you like to create separate topic for that question? Sound like a good suggestion for Thinkwise to be more transparent to our Customers!

I see it's on the backlog. What are the plans regarding the web gui? As we still encounter issues crashing the web gui on larger sets.


The Universal GUI currently uses a SignalR with WebSockets to know the progress of a running import action in Indicium. By this, there is no need to keep a request open, which prevents for request timeouts.


What are your experiences with this? The next step may be to make the interface less blocking in the meantime.