Generated checkbox -> generated by control procedure

Related products: Software Factory

At the moment several tables in the Software Factory have the ‘generated’ checkbox, indicating a record has been generated rather than created manually by the user.

I run into the problem that there are quitte a lot of dynamic model control procedures (power to the SF!) and sometimes have a hard time figuring out what control procedure has generated an item.

Can we please have an extra (optional) field where you can put in some additional information regarding the generation of the record, i.e. generated by what CP for instance?

Hey Robert Jan,

For your information, we have a feature scheduled to optimize the generation process. Instead of deleting and recreating all generated objects when generating, the SQL merge statement will be used to only synchronize the changes.

Another part of this project is to ensure that the source of generated objects will be shown. A topic about this subject already exists:

More information can be found here. This topic will be closed for now.