Add tasks 'Move Up', 'Move Down', 'Renumber' to 'Task Parameters'

Related products: Software Factory

This three little tasks, same as available for table columns, will help developers when adding or modifying tasks.

Hey Harm,

The renumber task will be added in 2019.1.

Did you know there is a possibility to drag and drop task parameters to the correct positions? You do need to enable this in the context menu. This is so that someone cannot accidentally drag a row to another place.

Because we already have drag and drop to reorder task parameters, I don't know if the move up and down tasks are needed anymore.

Kind regards,

Will the renumber and move tasks become available for Report Parameters as well in 2019.1?

When, approximately, can we expect 2019.1?
This solution is indeed implemented for task parameters, report parameters, subroutine parameters, domain elements, details and some other places.

We are still developing on 2019.1. We are working in sprints of 3 weeks. I'm expecting to have one more develop-sprint. After that we will have one deployment-sprint and an internal testing sprint. So, when all goes well, we should be releasing in about 10 weeks.