release notes

What's New in WinWeb 2020.2.10

Related products: Windows GUI

As the version bump to 2020.2.10 may already have suggested, our main focus last month was to get everything ready for the upcoming Software Factory 2020.2 release. One of its main new features is that application resources such as images and reports are now stored in the model itself rather than on the file system. This presented an opportunity for us to develop something which has been high on our wish list for a while: file uploads from the grid.

Another new feature we’re excited about is that both developer tool windows (the debug console and the location path window) can now be docked somewhere.

Other improvements include:

  1. Values in the active row are now refreshed after saving without modifications. This resolves a bug in the form list control. As always, saving a row without modifications does not send a PATCH request or UPDATE query to the back-end.
  2. The appearance of tile menus in the Software Factory modeler is now more similar to what it will look like in the modeled application.
  3. Correctly resize some images in the grid. (Web GUI)
  4. Improved support for some types of pool user credentials for DB2 and Oracle. (Web GUI)
  5. Fixed read-only checkboxes in the default editable form where they should be editable. (Windows GUI)
  6. Fixed accidental German translations in the Dutch translation set of the rich text hotspot manager. (Web GUI)
  7. Language native names in the ribbon are now properly capitalized. (Web GUI)
  8. A reply_to parameter has been added to the report mailer. This works only for the Outlook mailer. (Windows GUI)

File and image upload in the grid

In the Windows GUI, you can now upload files and images in the grid. It works like file and image upload editors in the form.

Upload image in the grid

If the grid cell is editable and active, a red cross icon appears which will remove the current file, after which a new file can be selected and then uploaded.

Dock developer tool windows

We’ve enriched the application debugging experience by allowing some tool windows to be docked like normal windows can. See below screenshot in which the debug console is docked to the right:

Docked debug console

All docking features are available to it, such as auto hiding or docking it as a tab page.


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