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When you are using the code review tools that are available within the Software Factory on occasion you will come across control procedures that contain templates that are insufficient and will result in disapproving the control procedure.

Currently the only way to quickly gain insights into disapproved control procedures is from within the validation screen.

I would like a prefilter in het functionality screen which will allow you to filter on disapproved control procedures that we submitted by me as a developer. That way I can quickly see which control procedures I have to change to fix them before being able to deploy my project version.

Hi Arjan,

Currently disapproved control procedures can be easily filtered using the existing prefilter "In development”. When control procedures are in development or disapproved, they will be shown when this prefilter is active.

Does that suffice?

Updated idea statusNewNeeds feedback


This prefilter is not enough.

When you are working on a large part of an application you sometimes have like 30+ templates open, since you can only test them when the entire change is completed. 

If during this development people also disapprove some of your template this can result in quite a large list. Therefor have 1 prefilter button to filter on the control procedures that are rejected, would be a of great help.

Updated idea statusNeeds feedbackOn the backlog

Updated idea statusOn the backlogWorking on it!

The prefilter will become available in Software Factory version 2022.1:


Updated idea statusWorking on it!Next release

Updated idea statusNext releaseCompleted