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We have a system flow with a schedule to run each 15 minutes. The schedule is activated. When I look in the tab with scheduled runs, I can see the next 5 runs.

When I look again after a while, the scheduled runs are updated, but the schedule log doesn’t show the executed system flow. It looks like it stopped executing system flows yesterday.

I checked the Indicium and IIS logs, but found no information. I would expect that I could see all status information in IAM. Maybe this is solved in a newer version, but we are using 2023.1.

What could be the reason? How can I monitor what happened and why it is not running? 

Is indicium active? If you navigate to the indicium landing page does it work? Also do other system flows still work? If not, can you check if there was a synchronization to IAM yesterday?

It is already running again. In the logging of Indicium I can see it started yesterday with a license refresh. In the event viewer I can see it stopped three indicium applications (application shut down IIS AspNetCore Module V2), but only one started again (recycle?). There was no IAM synchronization. 

Sounds like the indicium application is not configured correctly to automatically start after a reboot. You could check if application initialization is enabled and preload is set to enabled. this topic further dives into why indicium might not boot up automatically.