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I have been trying to replace one of our HTTP connectors with a web connection in the Software factory, since we will be approaching several endpoints and I want to make them more reusable in my Process Flows. So far whenever I try to use a web connection however I receive status code -23 and I am unsure how to proceed. Below a screenshot of my working HTTP connection:


And the current settings of my Web Endpoint:


We are using request headers to authenticate ourselves at this endpoint, is it possible I am using the wrong field for our request headers to authenticate in the web connection?

Hello ​@max.raetze,

In order to find a solution for the problem, we'll first need to know what's going wrong. A good next step would be to check the error log to see more detailed information regarding the error.

If you're starting the application against IAM, you can also check the Environment monitoring detail under the Applications screen in IAM:

There it should show the HTTP response code, which will give a lot of information regarding the cause of this issue.

I hope this helps.

Hello ​@Vincent Doppenberg ,


I am afraid I don't get a HTTP response back. I get back the following:


The extra info also confuses me, as for both the HTTP connector and Web connection I entered the same https address, but for web connection the host is unknown?

@max.raetze out of curiosity, You probably have done this already maybe? Can you log into the machine that actually tries to makes the connection to the target and actually ping that target from there? If it can’t be resolved you would get about the same error as in the error log. If not, than I also am wildly confused about the message in the error log.
