When you have recommendation enabled for a user in IAM. You get the 2 buttons under User preferences (Recommendation). My question is can you hide these buttons but still have the recommendations enabled ?
Yes you can, by creating a new User preference option and unchecking the Recommendations box. The user then needs to have this User preference attached to his account in Users.
Advanced menu → Master data → UP availability
In Users:
Default menu → Users (form)Result in end product
Hi @Mark Jongeling,
Thanks for the fast answer.
To be clear the question was if it is possible to hide the buttons but keep the Recommendations box checked.
Because we still want the data it generates but not that the users can use the buttons.
So you would like the Recommendations but not the Generate button?
The Show buttons shows the Recommendations the IAM gives the user, but the Generate button is needed for that as it will Generate the recommandations for the user. Thereafter the user can decide to apply these generated recommendations.
No but I will ask the question differently. Is it possible to hide the 2 buttons without unchecking the recommendation box in iam ?
No, that is not possible. The checkbox for Recommendations hides both Generate and Show and it's group. User preferences are still recorded though.
How would you like to see the data? In IAM there's a Recommendations screen but that only shows data when the Generate task has been run in the GUI:
Recommendations screen
If the Generate task is not available to the user, this screen will not show any data as no data (recommendations) are generated.
Could you elaborate more on what you are trying to achieve and what the wished result is?
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought when you check the box (recommendations). The table use_log_usr_action in the IAM will be filled. We wanna use this data to know b.v what screen the users used the most.
Unchecking the Recommendations box does result in the table use_log_usr_action not being filled. If you would like this, feel free to create an idea for this here on the Community. You will get my vote as this would be quite handy. More insights in how your application in used would be very nice to have.
For now, the Recommendations box has to be checked for use_log_usr_action to contain data about user actions.