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Hi, we are unable to export a specific table's records using the export function. All other exports are working as expected. We receive an HTTP 500 error if we try to export the selected records. 

Can you check the Indicium log for errors? I would expect it to give us a little bit more information.

Does it help if you remove some columns from the export (by using the wizard), so maybe we can figure out if one column is giving the problems.

Does anything change when exporting to csv (instead of the default xlsx?)

Hi Dick, thank you for the fast reply. I already checked these logs and I could not find anything in there. Kind of lost where to look next 🙂

Maybe it helps to mention that we have a custom screen setup that sends a POST request to the indicium api to upload a file. Maybe this falls outside of the scope of the indicium logs?

The post request from a custom screen for a file upload should not influence this.

Just to be sure, you are using Universal to do the export right? Or a custom call?

In case it is Universal, does it work when you instead of “Export selected rows” choose “Export all rows in the grid”? (or is this too much data?).
What is the primary of the table? Maybe it is something special that is causing the “Export selected rows” feature to error out.

Or are you doing the export from custom code? (In this case, how does the url look like?)


Yes we are using Universal to do the export. I tried both options (select 1 and select all). No difference. I don't understand what you mean with “what is the primary”. We have 2 primary keys in the table, but we have the same structure for many other tables so that should not make a difference I think? 

My bad, I didn’t finish that sentence apparently.
I meant indeed, what is the primary key (and the data types) - I am curious if maybe a specific datatype is causing issues.

Can you also try to disable some of the columns for exporting (the second page in the wizard?). I am curious if it is a specific column that is giving problems.

Also, does the live error log provide additional info? https://<url>/<indicium>/liveErrorLog

Okay, based on this tip I have found that it errors out if I include 5 foreign keys in my export. Basically we have 5 columns in our document table, that are foreign keys. In this way we can link documents to certain parts of our application. If I do an export of the documents table, and thus get all documents I want, and I include the a combination of the foreign keys in my export, it errors out. If I just select one of the FK it goes well, 2 or more and it errors out. What could be wrong?

I tried several export with fk's it always worked. There must be something specific with this subject. I think the best way to continue this is if you create a TCP ticket and provide a model export. 
