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Is a validation code always issued by the web GUI, is it also possible to use the ‘Authy’ app from Twilio? Or is the Twilio service only used to send an SMS?
Hi Andre,

The token code is created by the GUI and sent using Twillio (when using SMS).

In addition to email and SMS we also support TOTP two-factor authentication, which should work with the Authy app.

Hi Erik,

Thanks for your addition. I think an app is preferable and I think Google is free. What do I have to do to test the Google Authenticator?

Regards, André
Dear Andre,

Your question is briefly explained in the IAM administrator manual.

There is an option to let the user fall back on email, for example if the mobile device is not available. In that case you should also configure email (SMTP) with the GUI.

Hi Erik,

I have seen the administrator manual in TCP, but the explanation was too concise for me. I will try it. If it does not work, I will let you know.

Thanks so far!

Kind regards,

