Hi everyone,
I’m having trouble with displaying two columns on the same line in the universial GUI. I have one column with a custom HTML element containing a small icon surrounded with an anchor tag. Besides that i’m trying to show an e-mail address. When i try to do this by ordering them after each other and changing the ‘Fields no. of positions further’ They are being displayed on the same line, however the email field is being cut short.
If been trying to change this by changing the field_width of both fields to different values but it seems they share the same space and i’m only changing how the space of both elements is being distributed. As you can see in the image below there is plenty of empty space to work with but whatever I’ve tried I can’t seem to use this space for the email addresses. The date field has a higher order number and has a value of 1 on‘ Fields no. of positions further’
Is there a solution for my problem?
(universal GUI version 2021.3.14.0)