I have a task that generates an invoice. Before I checked in the sql code some values, and showed an error if a certain value was missing and stopped the code. When this first value was corrected, it could break on the next mandatory value. And so on.. not very user friendly…
To improve on this, i've done the following.
Process flow is triggered by a dummy task. → a Decision checks if all mandatory values are okido (name, vat, billing address, debtor code). → if not ok, show relevant (ie; say what is missing) message. / if ok., execute task to generate invoice.
In general, this is ok;
However, if 1 or more values are missing, I want to show 1 message.
Scenario 1: message; “Debtor code, vat code, and billing address are missing. “
Scenario 2: message; "Debtor code is missing.”
Now, I have a process flow that, based on the outcome in the decision, shows a message. But that means (I think) I must create a matrix for all possible outcomes. So, I currently test for 4 values, I have already 9 possible outcomes of values missing (1234,12,13,14,234,23,24,34,4) making it not practical.
Is there a better way of doing this?