A customer wants to see a detail-tab with all possible records. Only those that are actually selected must be highlighted in some way. Of course it must be possible to add or remove selections.
How do you create something like this in Thinkwise?
If this is not possible what alternatives are there? Could be two lists, one with selected and one with unselected.
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Hi Roy,
Do you mean like the following?:
To 'Select’ them, you can use like in the example, a checkbox in combination with Auto-edit in Grid. Alternatively you can use a task to do this for you; the task then will update tselected] to 1 (or 0).
The colors are achieved by adding a Coditional layout without specified column (so the font/background is for the whole row) and having the condition be selected = 1.
Indeed something like this.
But not sure how to show all products. I would assume that only the selected products are linked to the Lines and as such only those will be shown in the details.
So how do you show all products even when a small selection is connected as detail? This is the main obstacle I need to bridge. And I don't want to connect all products.
I would also assume that a default procedure would connect a newly selected product to the lines (or remove one).
Roy, you could create an expression column on both tables and give these the hardcoded value of 1. Then make a reference based on these columns. This will give you all products.
It probably would work, but not a very nice solution.
The example is created by having an empty reference (as Detail) to Product:
It is indeed quite challenging to show everything but also show what is connected/selected. It is possible though.
To continue like the example, what is possible is to create a view that shows all connected Products and shows all not connected Products. The view has to select all Shop order lines and cross join all (possible) products on it. Now every Shop order line id has 5 products. In the view we then can have a column that has the value of 1 when it is inside the Shop order line and 0 if it is not (yet).