We have a situation where we use tiles for the main grid's references.
Then, we want to have a separate section (which is a view) on the same page where a selected record from the main grid will show related record from our view (in grid below - a TabbedDetalTabPage): we do that by creating a Detail group (P in our example below).
- To show the main grid at the top (which is a variant) + tiles (checked show detail tabs in variant), there is no problem.
- If we use the main grid (variant) + TabbedDetailTabPage (ref. to view), the connected detail group (‘P’ in our illiustration below) it works fine.
- However, if we want to show all, main grid (variant) + tiles + TabbedDetailTabPage (ref. to view), the tiles do not show, we get same as with 2.
- is what we want here, possible at all?
- what are we missing, or perhaps, our approach might be wrong?
Thank you