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We have a very simple process flow which adds a row to a rental_contract then turns off all prefilters and then should open the details of the just made rental_contract



What actually happens is that it loses all its data after you add the row

When i click on “BEKIJK” it opens a new tab with the actualy record


How is this possible that all the data in the list is gone? It should be like this. I feel likes secretly a filter or whatever gets activated but that's not the issue 

Change prefilters is turning off all filters. Even without this step i get the same result a blanco record. Where did my data go i just entered? I'm clueless


Do you have any ‘hidden turned on’ prefilters activated on that subject?

@Dennis Kallansee I'm suspecting the same thing as Dennis1690 mentioned already. Are you 100% sure that there aren't any other prefilters or even regular filters already active on the screen upon opening, that might cause your newly added record from being ‘filtered away'?

Hi @Dennis Kallansee,

Has this been resolved with the help of our Community members?

Hi @Dennis Kallansee,

Has this been resolved with the help of our Community members?

Uhm no, we found out that we had no paging and a max records of 50. So the newly record inserted couldnt be selected because we had more than 50 records, therefor we thought the process flow was suddenly broken, but in fact we had to set pagination and remove the max records of 50