I'm trying to execute a web service call after modifying a record. According to the documentation it can be done via a process flow using “Modify record”: https://docs.thinkwisesoftware.com/docs/sf/process_flows.html#modify-record
It says the following:
This process action will also work in combination with modifications in the list. If this process action is not a start action, then the GUI will give preference to a form to deal with the action. If there is no form present, then the GUI will try to find a grid. If a record in the grid is modified, is successfully stored and there is a follow-up action that can be called, then a possible row switch action that handles the save of the data will be prevented.
Problem I'm having, is that when editing in grid the proces flow isn't triggered. It's triggered when adding or editing via form, and also when adding in grid it's triggered. But not when editing in grid.
What am I doing wrong?
I have the following process flow defined:

And this is what happens; the colum data_from_web should be filled each call with some sample data; (video/gif):

Please note i'm using the Windows GUI 2019.2.17 and noticed the same behaviour on the web gui with that version.
I've also tried to use “Edit in grid off” as a process flow step, but that doesn't work either (and should work I guess).