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Good Day,


I have a process flow (below) that does not display the variables display name on the Show message, write file and email connector.

Process Flow


I have a simple update task that update a certain field e.g. task_update_reference

Table Reference - is where I update the reference name, this table there is a company_id, this company id has a look up on Table Company, to display the column name

In the task it's working fine, I can see the display name of the company id. My update task is also working.




The process flow is working, except that the company display name in the Show message, write file and email connector, is not working.


when I call the company_id it didn't show the display name,


This is my process process variable



is there a place I can configure to get the display name? 


Please advice or share any suggestions


Thank you in advance!

Hi ​@Jheng,
If I understand correctly, you want the company display name to be included in the message within a process flow. Unfortunately, lookups are not supported for process variables.

The best approach is to add a process variable for the display name to your process flow and fill it based on the company id already present in your process flow from the task. You can achieve this using a process procedure on the process action.

For more info, see the following URL's:

I hope this helps.

Hi ​@Jheng,

Can you let us know if Remco's answer resolves your question? Thanks in advance.

Hi ​@Remco ,


I tried to follow but I'm quite lost on this following the link as well, I created a process variable for the display name called company name in the process flow, do I need to add this in the task? currently the task parameter has only company_id (as shown on my previous screenshot)




and the use process procedure, should i add it in the email connector or my table task? because the email connector is the one that should display the company name.


I'm also not sure if I need to create a control procedure just to display the name?


Please help to advice


Thank you
