We have a view which contains a lookup column to another table. Whenever you edit a row in this view, the user is able to select a value from the lookup. This looks like follows:

Whenever we press this lookup, the user is able to select a cost record:

This works like intended. However, we would like to have a prefilter which filters the records on a vessel type which is selected on the parent table (in this case our parent table is so called calculation). See the image below:

So the idea is when this prefilter is ON, we want to filter all the cost records in this case on L-Class ice. Is it possible to collect this value and use this in our prefilter?
For now we activated the search bar, to make the user manually fill in their vessel type. Thus, filter that way on their desired types for which they want to find cost records. This is not how we want it to work though. Using a prefilter would be way better to achieve this! Does anyone know if this is possible?