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We are currently using the ‘download file’ process action for users to be able to download documents from the system (with the Universal GUI). When the file has a .PDF or .PNG extension, the file is not downloaded but instead it is opened in the browser. Is there a way to force all file types to be downloaded?  

Zipping the files is not preferred.

@PeterKeeris I believe we tackled that issue with Release 2024.2.12.3 for Universal + 2024.2.12.2 for Indicium. See 

Could you upgrade to that (or preferably a later) version and let us know if it fixes the issue for you too?

EDIT: the Extra Release specifically talks about the Report action. If it doesn’t work for your Download file action after upgrading, please raise a ticket in TCP.

Thanks for your answer @Arie V. However, for the download file process action there doesn't seem to be a input parameter to configure it like for reports. I will raise a TCP ticket.


@PeterKeeris I’d say Download file should result in an actual download in all cases, so I assume a parameter is not required then. Instead, we should make sure the right behavior is applied.

@PeterKeeris I’d say Download file should result in an actual download in all cases, so I assume a parameter is not required then. Instead, we should make sure the right behavior is applied.

Update: @PeterKeeris raised TCP 10209S for this issue. I discussed this internally, and in order not to change existing behavior, we aim to resolve this by adding an additional Input parameter.
