
Notification entries in IAM

  • 2 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hello all,

I stumbled over a detail tab with Users in IAM. It is callled "Notifications” and I have no clue where it is being used.

Some process however “reads” the entries en removes them. I expected it to be something for the universal GUI, but I haven't found a single message anywhere when (staying) signed on as a specific user. The message I entered in IAM is removed after an unknown number of minutes however.

Can anybody tell me where this could be used for and where such a message can be expected to show up?



Best answer by Mark Jongeling 2 February 2024, 14:07

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Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Hey Henri,

Notifications are in-app text-based messages that are given to the user in the Universal GUI when they open up an application or when they first interact with the application in case they are already logged in.

Underwater this is all managed by IAM and Indicium so you don't have to worry about that. Notifications are automatically cleaned-up when they are expired or received by the user.

More info on the functionality here: 2022.2 | Thinkwise Documentation ( & User notifications | Thinkwise Documentation (

You can use this, for example, to inform users about Planned system maintenance. But other purposes can be thought of. In combination with the Send user notification process action, you can send a notification to a particular user that initiated a system flow to tell them about the completion of that process.

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

@Mark Jongeling 
Ok, thanks for the links to the documentation articles, but we are on version 2023.1 (so no option to select what kind of notification to send yet). But still, where in the universal GUI can I see that a notification is present? The queue is read / cleared by a process, but I can't find where the message went...

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

On 2023.1, In-app notification are the default/only option as the email notification where added later in 2023.3.

In the menu of IAM, under Analysis, in menu item Notifications, all notifications are shown (for Main administrators). Any notification that is set to be send will be shown here. With the prefilter, you can hide/show sent and expired notifications. Notification are automatically handled, so pending notifications will be set sent when they are received by the user. They can also expire when notification are only relevant before a particular time - such as a maintenance moment. After the maintenance ended, the notification is no longer relevant.

The message will only be shown as a regular panel message inside the Universal GUI. It is not a mobile push notification; that is something we are planning to implement.