After the upgrade of the IAM and SF from version 2019.1 to 2020.1.12 the validation of projects if failing with the following message:

Aren’t these included in the upgrade?
After the upgrade of the IAM and SF from version 2019.1 to 2020.1.12 the validation of projects if failing with the following message:
Aren’t these included in the upgrade?
These datatypes are included in the upgrade of the SF and IAM. However, these datatypes are also needed on your own applications. After generating your application, they will be available as a domain in the SF. But they are still missing in your database(s). To fix this, you can run the following code on all of your application databases:
create type tsf_tab_id from varchar(100)
grant references on type::tsf_tab_id to public
create type tsf_success_ind from bit
grant references on type::tsf_success_ind to public
Found it out myself…
I needed to create these domains in all the product db's myself.
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