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I have a question about a message that is shown in the Universal GUI. Message: "No matching row was found. Would you like to change the search parameters?”.

This occurs when i use a detail page with the preview component. The message is visible in the preview component. After pushing the refresh button from the actions pane, the preview is working again. But when i reload the page in the browser and go to the same detail page, the message is shown again.

Any idea why this happens? Is it a bug?


Hi Ramon,

This does indeed sound like a bug. To be sure, are you using the latest Universal GUI version? (1.5.2). If so, please report it in TCP and our Product Innovation team will smash the bug :wink:

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hi Mark,

Yes, i'm using the 1.5.2 version of the Universal GUI. I will report a bug in TCP.