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When using a lookup the header starts with only a title, when you click a row it adds a subheader which directly changes the height of the header, which in turn changes the position of the grid, making you miss double clicks. I’ve added a gif for reference.

My idea is to give the header a fixed height, regardless of the existance of a subheader.😁


Hi Dennis!

In your example, you show a very clear situation. Thanks!

My curiosity: on what columns is your breadcrumb title based on? When you click on the second row, I see that the first element is based on ‘leveranciersnummer’, followed by ‘leveranciersnaam’. Is that correct?

Why is ‘leveranciersnummer’ NULL in your first column? As far as I can remember, the breadcrumb is based on primary/foreign key values and am wondering if and why you have an empty key value there. 

NewNeeds feedback

Hi Bart, 

Thank you for your response. 

For your curiousity: That is a expression which combines supplier_code + supplier_name. Which is not the primary_key. The primary of our table is supplier_id

Does this answer suffice?


Needs feedbackOpen

An extra note: a Display lookup column is not meant to be null, we do provide a warning about this in the SF Validations. If you ensure you always have a value by amending the Expression field, you wouldn’t experience this issue.


@Bart Metselaar I agree with your comment that a lookup should avoid returning a NULL, but do note that this behaviour is also happening when you switch between result and no results by for example filtering. Or the list get filled after its first records gets added.

The shrinking of the header would make more sense if it were to look at the option “Hide Breadcrumb” on the screentype. If enabled, make it shrink. If not, keep it fixed to keep room for the breadcrumb.

@Dennis1690 I converted this topic from Idea to Question and raised an issue on your behalf. You should be able to see it in TCP: 11299S. We regard this a bug and will fix it accordingly.
