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When I try to execute a task on an empty detail screen as per the odata manual at OData API | Thinkwise Documentation ( i get a 500 error. The Error in the live log is not very useful unfortunately and we are completely stuck on this. Any help would be welcome.

The api call:

We are not passing any parameters in the data json as they are not required for the execution of this task

I have checked (and double checked) the table names, reference, task name and PK ;)

The line in the live error log:


Hi Joey,

Can you share the reference column mapping between order_vbs and kwartaal_gegevens_order, both the source- and target column ids?

Hi Anne,

that looks like this.



Alright, and can you also show the tab-task binding columns?



Hello Joey,

This is an issue in Indicium, it currently cannot handle the situation of assigning two task parameters to the same column.

You can work around this issue in a few different ways:

  • Only link tot_order or van_order to the order_nr column and set the other task parameter with a default procedure.
  • Add an order_nr expression column that simply selects order_nr so you have two columns and you can use one per task parameter mapping

With that said, this is something that should have worked, so can you report a ticket for this in TCP?
