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I have an issue where I have 14 prefilters in a page and it collapses into vertical 3 dots when the page loads. Is there a way for us to prevent the prefilter bar from collapsing after a certain amount of prefilter icons being displayed? Can I use custom CSS? 

I also tried working with screen types where I added a prefilter bar under a taskbar to see if it would allow a secondary toolbar only for prefilters and I realized that universal GUI disregards prefilter bar or similar items, it seems this only works in web gui if I remember correctly. 


He @Jefferson Delacruz

I fancy the same problem. There is already an idea for the multiple task bars (see the topic below)

If you managed to fix it differently / with CSS, please let me know

Hi Jefferson,

The prefilters (and other similar bars, like tasks, reports, prefilters) collapse if there is not enough space to show them. This is not something that can be influenced.

The tasks already have the bar component implemented. The same will happen for prefilters and similar components.This feature is pretty high up the backlog. I cannot give an exact date when to expect this.

The idea that Martin posted is to be able to have two prefilter bars on the same screen and choose which prefilters are in which. That would not be included in this first feature. The first feature is making the bars available in Universal.

At this point you cannot influence the collapsing. I advice against using custom CSS, since how this is handled is not done in CSS but JS. That means adding custom CSS to fix this will most likely break something.

Kind regards,

Tim de Lang