Hi Harm,
Is there an easy way to monitor the status of Indicium.
In the Software Factory, we have a system flow running that checks-in every 30 seconds to ensure that the system flows are still up and running. It updates a datetime in the SF database and once this datetime has not been updated for a while, we can safely assume Indicium is no longer active - or at least not starting any system flows.
We are working to make the Windows GUI work hand-in-hand with Indicium, but if Indicium is then not active anymore, any call the GUI would do to Indicium will fail. That will give a clear indication something is wrong.
And also send notifications to application admins if the service is down?
Indicium would normally be the responsible party for ensuring notifications are sent, but if Indicium is down, it cannot work of course. Some other Heath check tooling may be a good solution for this.
If Indicium is down for whatever reason, Windows GUI end-users should not immediately notice it, while external applications have no access.
It might be an idea to have a status indicator (such as a traffic light) somewhere in the GUI for admins.
Making a sort of Traffic light system, that can be an Idea you can create on the Community 
Idea here: