As a junior developer I find it really cool how much power you have with the Thinkwise platform. I've been able to deliver a tool to our customer in one month, with database, integration etc.
As a Thinkwise partner, however, I think that's a pity that the learning curve is so steep. I have some experience with other no-code platforms that are so rich in feedback, that's you learn so much quicker. And probably, the growth of the Thinkwise platform will be highly limited by this learning curve.
What I found is that the way to learn is to really f*^k up you branch (if your lucky to know how that works), and you'll need a senior to fix it. That's a really hard situation if there is no senior around.
Ive broken versions because I changed a domain, or made a field mandatory and it broke de upgrade.
After that, feedback is extremely poor, and thebwaybtondig yourself deeper into problems is way easier than finding the solution. You can create domains that do not exist and I will remember other examples of Id force myself.
I would like to know if other partners have the same issues, and if we can think of something that could help prevent all junior developers fall in the same pitfalls and that way learn quicker with less frustration.