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Which headers for an API request are implicitly filled by the SF?

I want to call an API and the error message is -4 - Unsuccessful (invalid headers).

I also use a header [{ "Key": "x-api-key", "Value": "123"}].

I have successfully called the API with the following headers in Postman.


Again there is too little information in the documentation and this costs me a lot of time to figure out by trial-and-error.


Can you check the indicium log and post the contents here for the http call? 



@Erwin Ekkel  thanks for replying, I don't see any targeted error in our basic indicium.
I can send the log by e-mail if necessary. I am not aware of whether this is sensitive information.



Using only the x-api key in the header including [{ combined with changing my response domain to nvarchar(max) instead of varchar(max)
