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I configure my startup documents as in the screenshot below.

On restart of the SF the result is not as I would expect; the list is deduplicated, and the SF is booted accordingly.



Is there some trick to get the Software Factory to dance to my tune? This occurence is on platform 2020.2, GUI 2020.2.20.


Hi Boudewijn,

The GUI only opens unique screens. The scenario of opening the same menu item with Startobjects hasn’t been implemented. So currently this is not possible.

Alternatively, you can open the same menu item by hand by using Crtl+left click on the menu item you would like to have a duplicate of.

Why would you like to open the same screen multiple times? They will not be different from each other upon opening. 

Sidenote; in the Universal GUI Startobjects will be like pins as seen in this Idea:

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your response.

I know I can open multiple items, it just takes the SF a while to do so, and it waits for my interaction before it continues. It is more convenient to click the SF so it can open the screens I need in the background, while I mind my own business.

As for the the reason to do it in the first place: I usualy work on multiple subject matters in parallel, needing different aspects of each subject. This gives me a ‘palette’ of subjects and functionality, the duplication gives a virtual set of aspects to work on.

For example, while working on customer, sales invoice and business addres, it would take a lot of cherry picking in the column filter of ‘tables’ and ‘subject’, let alone ‘functionality’. By opening three documents of tables and subject each, I can use the combined filter on each of them. Opening the functionality screen with the same filter, and in the same order, I can easily switch from adding a column under table, add a variant under subject and generate code group under functionality to apply an updated default on that table.

Navigation is each time to the n-th tab of the filtered documents, so for each micro change I only have to remember that I am working with ‘set 2’, instead of having to look for the right record of switch filters.


Thanks for the explanation! 

If you wish this to be implemented, you can create a topic in the Ideation section.

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling