How to switch on-and-off a grouped/tree view in the grid
The normal view of records is in a grid where each record has its own row. Currently something has changed (unknown what) with the result that each there is some way of grouping/tree.
How do I switch between the original and this grouped view? And is there a way to group it not on “Datum”, but on another column in the grid?
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Hi Roy,
This grouping/tree functionality is achieved by using the 'Group until’ checkbox inside SF → Subject → Sort. Based on the given sorting, it will group the columns until the checked column.
In your case, you probably have sorted on the Date column and grouped until it. It is also something that you can achieve with the Sort functionality inside the GUI (If allowed in the Model):
Part of Sort screen
How do I switch between the original and this grouped view? And is there a way to group it not on “Datum”, but on another column in the grid?
Switching between it is something that is not achievable by a prefilter or such. Either you would have to make a different screen for it or the user should use the Sort functionality to group.
You can use the same functionality as above to change the grouping on the spot. It is possible to group on multiple columns.
*Tip: if the initially the Grid is Grouped, and the user would remove the grouping, it can be restored by using Restore default sorting.
Hope this helps!
Kind regards, Mark Jongeling
Hi Mark,
This certainly worked. As you suspected it probably was ticked by mistake when setting the default sorting of the grid.
Refreshing of the model (after unticking Group until) in itself was not sufficient. Closing the subject (as it was already opened) and reopening it was also necessary. Although I have to admit that I didn't try to Restore default sorting, so that may also do this trick.
Earlier I mentioned that I hadn't used the Restore default sorting.
Now I have played around with various settings and were able to use this task. It appears that when switching back from grouping to non-grouping the app remains on the grouping. Earlier I closed the subject and reopened it, but with the Restore default sorting ("Standaardsortering” in Dutch) task this is also possible.