I have a process flow that after adding a record has an action: goto row. This works fine when the row is present in the top 100, and it selects that row. Where it stops working as i expect is when the record is not found, goto row will automatically apply a filter to find that row, which it does, however this is not what i want. I want goto row to fail if it can't select the record and then to do some other stuff from an unsuccesfull path. The goto row action has: Filter record when not found (constant value): No, but it will still filter on the record if not found. I also have the extended property enabled for the application: RowNotFoundAction: None, i would expect that this would also stop the automatic filtering of the record. But both methods do not seem to work, i have tried every possible setting for these two and every combination, but nothing seems to change my results. I am using windows gui and 2024.2 (SF, gui, etc). For information this process_flow is started by: add_row
If i add a process_flow that starts from a table task and goto row goes to a row that i know is not in the list, goto row does fail and works as expected.