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What is the status of the Global Configurations in the IAM? since which version they are neglected?  It used to be that you had the option to set the globalconfiguration in the INI file and it would overrule the extended properties at application level.

Platform version 2024.2 doesn't do this anymore. Can we reinstate the behaviour in any way? Or what are the alternatives? Now I have to have 2 applications with distinct session variable (ID) .. this used to be one where the global configuration steered the session variable (ID).

@Mark Jongeling / ​@Arie V any update on this subject?


Hi ​@Freddy ,

This is a Windows GUI-only feature. Could it be that you have started using a different GUI since then? There haven’t been any changes to this from our SF/IAM team or the Windows GUI team recently.

If you are using the Windows GUI and want this to be investigated further, it’s best to create a ticket in TCP.

Hi ​@Freddy,

Would love to hear if this answer is sufficient. If not, can you please let me know if you indeed started a different type of GUI since you started using the 2024.2 version?

@Jeroen van den Belt didn't pursue it further. Now there are 2 applications and user groups per application. 
