Hi Edwin,
Could you check in the Developer Tools (F12) of your browser how the Calls are structured? Bad request typically means the API call is incorrectly structured. Couldyou share the errors logged in the Indicium log?
Hi Mark, In de F12 browser log we see a red line with this message
vendors~main.f52e4f4f.chunk.js?__WB_REVISION__=XXXXXXac42c70baf4aeada998ca443a3:2 PATCH https://[hidden].[hidden].com/indicium/iam/11/staged_RegisterInbound(7043faaa-b2d4-4a63-XXXX-588b0076ae05) 400 (Bad request: request method denied) (--Altered by moderator)
In the Indicium logs there are no events at the time the errors are happening
It most likely is the Firewall blocking the requests either incoming or outgoing, or something else interfering with the requests that the Universal GUI and Indicium are sending to each other.
I've had some similar error messages. We’ve ended up upgrading Indicium 2021.1.x to 2021.2.10 solving those random error messages. This was on our IIS development environment.
Not a solution but a tip
I had that kind of errors in the past. Now I always update all components at the same time to avoid this kind of erros:
Latest Universal GUI
Latest Indicium
TSF an IAM hotfix ( important because mostly translations for universal are fixed here)
Issue is solved. On indication of Mark the system engineers where asked to monitor the traffic trough the firewall. Then it became clear that the PATCH method was blocked.
It seems to solve the issue but then we still encountered problems on other actions in the applciation.
And finally the solution was in the setting of the Watchguard
The watchgaurd stopped standard the request to the inside. For example the the inserts, delete and patch requests. These rules are now added for the APP and the issue was solved.
So data retreival was not a problem. Data change however was. Thanks for all your answers/suggestions.