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I have upgraded a project to SF2019.1. I am trying to synchronize to IAM on a different server. Since I do not have a direct connection I am trying to write the synchronization files to disk.

Unfortunately I run into an error in the i_sync_project Program object:

[Unknown action(Unknown action failed because the specified path is invalid)]

I am not sure but I think it may have to do something with one of the warnings in the validation: 'Background picture path is outside the project folder'. This warning is referring to a path specified in the Thinkwise_default theme.: S:\Software_Fabriek\Applicaties\SQLSERVER_SF...

I am unable to change the specified path and deleting the theme does not pops up again after generating the definitions.
Hi Hugo,

I've been able to reproduce this message by attempting to synchronize to an unreachable location. Can you try to synchronize to a local disk file that does not require administrator rights?

The path referred to by this default theme is probably a red herring. These paths are not used during synchronization.

Please create a ticket for the odd message, this message should have been translated.
Hi Anne,

Thanks for the help. You were almost right, the problem was not an unreachable location but the lack of the proper extension. I wanted to create a file named test instead of test.sql. I guess I assumed it would be added automatically. It works fine now.
