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A long time ago we found out that the Export to Excel/Word functionality within DevExpress can not be used in the SF in combination with the WinGui en Indicium Basic.
Will this be possible when using the normal Indicium?
Which functionality within DevExpress can be used in the SF.
Converting DevExpress reports to Word or Excel is something our customers really would like to be able to do!

Thanks, Joost

A while ago, a colleague of ours asked a similar question.

Not all Report actions are supported in Indicium, compared to developer shortcut | Thinkwise Community

And I’ve made a TMS ticket some time ago also, which didn’t get much clearer.

The documentation hasn’t helped us much either (yet). Maybe we we’re searching for the wrong things?

We’d like to get more info about this neat feature set 🤗

Anyone here that may be able to get more info on this? 

Hello ​@Joost van Lier,

This issue is a limitation of the Windows GUI when used on Indicium Basic. It should work as expected when using the Windows GUI or Universal GUI on the ‘full’ Indicium.

Hello ​@Vincent Doppenberg ,

Thanks for your answer! The rumor in our organisation is indeed that when we would change tot Universal and ‘full’ indicium this should work, but I am trying to find out if this is for sure, because our customers are really waiting for this, but I would hate to find out later that there was a miscommunication and what we want is not possible. I guess I just have to ask our develepment department to prove it with a POC? Is there any documentation or a proven solution among other Thinkwise customers that can help me?

@Joost van Lier I know firsthand that you internally have a Test environment with Indicium setup in combination with both the Windows GUI and the Universal GUI. I recommend you reach out to ​@Frank Junger to discuss how this scenario can be tested by you.
