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I created a report in DevExpress, and in the previewer, the columns appear exactly as I want, including the ones set to bold. However, when I use the preview component in Universal, those columns are no longer bold but appear in regular font.

I use DevExpress Report Designer_1.70 and Universal GUI 2024. I checked in the Windows GUI, and the bold font is working fine, so it is just a Universal issue.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?


See below the screenshots.

Universal Preview
DevExpress Preview


Hi ​@groos,

Can you provide some information about your report configuration?

You mention you are showing the report in the Preview component in Universal, but how is the report created? Through the Generate report process action and then saved in a table? Or am I misunderstanding your setup?

What is the Report action set to in the Software Factory for this report? 

I am curious if it does work if you for instance use it like a regular “report” with the “Export to PDF” action and let the browser open it in a new tab instead of in the previewer.

Hi ​@groos,

Could you provide us with the information Dick requested? Thanks in advance :)

Sorry for my late reply, but it is fixed in an Indicium upgrade!
