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I am wondering if it is possible to copy a base model into an existing work model without linking the base model. I have some use cases in which I want to copy parts of a model into another work model and from there customize the base model to the requirements for that specific work model. If I would do such a thing with a base model link, I would have to change the base model and this would impact all of the work models to which the base model is linked.

I tried this with exporting the base model and importing it in the work model, but then it has no shared origin branch and I am not able to merge the models.

The only thing I did not try yet is to branch the base model, customize it to a specific work model and then link this branch from the base model to the work model?

Best regards,

Nick Janssen

Hi @NickJanssen,

Currently, there is no formal way of doing this using the platform. Feel free to create an idea for this.

Alright. For other who are interested in doing this: 

  • You cannot link branches of the base models other than the MAIN branch
  • You can copy a base model and customize this base model from there. Finally you can link this customized base model to your work model and you have the effect you are probably looking for. 

You cannot link branches of the base models other than the MAIN branch

You can use this Task to update the used base model branch. We opted not to show all branches of every base model in this overview as usually you want to use the MAIN branch as the base model linked:

Update branch

Select the Base model of which you would like to change the branch used. The task is available if there is a different branch available for that model.

Thanks for the addition Mark.