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Hi all,

For a process flow I have a ‘Close document’ action. This will close the popup/zoom when the process flow is executed. However, I can also trigger the process flow when no popup is available. The process action will close the main screen (as the popup is a different variant of this screen).

How can I prevent the process flow of closing the main screen? 

The ‘Open document’ action is in another process flow. Therefore, as far as I know, I cannot use a Document ID.

Kind regards,


Hi Rick,

To my knowledge it's currently not possible to steer which document to close when the document wasn't opened within the same process flow. Would be a great feature to have I think. Feel free to create an idea for this!

You might also like this idea as an extension to this wish:


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply. The idea of Arjan covers this subject.

I have created a work around using a task variant. I added a variable to the (original) task I'm using; ‘close_document’ with default value 0 and is assigned to the table. The task variant has value 1 and is assigned to a variant of the table used in the popup. In the process flow, I have enabled process procedure for the task. When close_document = 1, the process step to ‘Close document’ is set to 1 in the procedure.

This way, when the variant task (on the popup screen) is executed, the close document action will be performed. When the original task (on the regular screen) is executed, the close document action is not triggered.

Kind regards
