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Does anyone know a good method for checking case sensitive user input using the control forms?


I would like to use Control forms to validate whether a user has entered at least one uppercase and one lowercase character, this is for validating password requirements. 


By default SQL is case-insensitive. A common workaround is using: 

COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS 


I have tried to implement this but it does not seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there another method available for implementing case sensitive comparisons? 

My implementation


Hi Emiel,

After checking myself, I notice the collation you use does not work for this purpose. I tried this:

Both if statements should be False

For another purpose, cleaning table names, I have used the ASCII() function. It could also work for this. I rebuilded it a little for you. You can them make the changes needed to return the correct error(s). 

declare @password varchar(256) = 'password'
select @password = trim(@password)

declare @length int = len(@password)
, @counter int = 1
, @correct int = 1
, @ascii_code int

--Go through the password, one by one character
while @counter <= @length
and @correct = 1
--Make a ASCII code of the string
select @ascii_code = ascii(substring(@password, @counter, 1))

--What is allowed
if @ascii_code between 48 and 57 or --Numbers
@ascii_code between 65 and 90 or --Uppercase letters
@ascii_code between 97 and 122 or --Lowercase letters
@ascii_code = 95 --Underscore
--Up the counter
select @counter = @counter + 1
select @correct = 0 --Password incorrect


if @correct = 1
select 'Correct'
select 'Incorrect'

Hope this can help!

Kind regards,
Mark Jongeling

Hello Emiel,

To add to Mark’s answer, the reason it doesn’t work is because of the tA-Z] range in your LIKE comparison. These ranges appear to always be case-insensitive, but it does work if you write out the letters of the range.

Try out the following two queries and see how their results differ:

select 1
where 'abc' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS like '%eA-Z]%'

select 1

It's important to note that the _AS part of this collation indicates that it is accent-sensitive. This means that é will not match e and therefore a password like ÀàààÉééé will not match either of your LIKE-comparisons, causing the password to be rejected. You might want to consider the Latin1_General_CS_AI collation instead.

Hope this helps.