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The standard keyboard shortcuts for the Universal GUI as explained here don't really work with the default browsers we use (Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge). Of the list of keyboard shortcuts only the Esc and Ctrl + Enter work as expected.

  • Ctrl + + / Ctrl + - are used for browser zoom functionality
  • Ctrl + e is used to trigger the search engine
  • Ctrl + alt + + for Copy seems to do nothing

Is there a way to change these shortcuts for Universal GUI (including the tooltip text)?

The shortcuts only work inside the form. For this the work the focus needs to be on the form at the moment of entering the shortcut. Currently it is not possible to overwrite the default shortcuts. If you still feel the need to overwrite the shortcuts then please post this as an idea. 


The shortcuts only work inside the form. For this the work the focus needs to be on the form at the moment of entering the shortcut. Currently it is not possible to overwrite the default shortcuts. If you still feel the need to overwrite the shortcuts then please post this as an idea. 



That's an odd suggestion to create an idea for it. It should work in my opinion. Let's take the Insights app as example:


What does the shortcut (Ctrl + +) mean? When I open a subject, I would expect all the shortcuts displayed should work. But it doesn't. So where are those shortcut hints for if they don't work? Users have to click twice: in the form to activate something, and then on ctrl + +. A single click on the + button is easier.

I cannot explain people that they have to click somewhere in order to have the shortcut displayed above to work. It's really unexplainable.

The suggestion to post an idea was only for the part to overwrite the shortcuts with a different key combination. 

Having the shortcuts work without having to set the focus is on the backlog to look into for a future release. 

I don't need the override functionality if the default shortcuts work intuitively in the major browsers.
