Can the "Next Group" Checkbox in the Grid Component Apply Only to the Default State of Subjects, Excluding Variants, in Universal?
Hi Guys,
In Universal, is it possible for the "next group" checkbox in the grid component to be applicable only to the default state of a subject, excluding its variants?
I would like to remove the "next group" checkbox from a variant without having to remove it from the default.
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Hi Jaycee,
That should be possible by having your Variant use it's own Grid configuration. Using the "Setup grid” task in the Subjects > Variants screen, you can now change the aspects of the grid component specially for this variant.
Setup grid task
Variant grid component
Okay, so I did this but for some reason the group labels still show up.
Which platform version are you on? 2023.1?
Yes 2023.1
Could you try the following query and replace the XXX with the correct values? GUI appl id should be the Application ID from runtime configuration:
Runtime config - Application id
select * from i_ui_col_grid i where i.gui_appl_id = XXX and i.tab_id = XXX and i.tab_variant_id = XXX
The grid_next_grp_label_transl column is the interesting bit.
I looked it up in my branch and grid_next_grp_label_transl column is empty
Hi Jaycee, this looks like a bug we have to look in to. You can create a TCP ticket for the Software Factory. Could you also provide a Export model (Model.dat) of the branch you work with? This will help us reproducing the issue. In the ticket, please specify for which table and column the problem occurs.