I am reaching out regarding a validation error that I am experiencing. I have recently made some changes in an effort to resolve this issue, but the error message is still appearing.
The specific error message that I am seeing is:
Domain element translations have a different sort sequence than the database values.
Despite these efforts, the error message is still appearing by validation. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Balazs Szeder
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The validation takes into account all the application languages. Could it be that not in all languages the translations match the db value? You can also negate this validation by not adding it as a Sorting column for tables.
Hope this helps!
Hey Mark,
Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately the solution you provided did not fix the problem. (We do not have another application language, and disabling the validation by not adding it as a sorting column for tables is also not an option)
It seems like the issue is fixed based on the error message, but the validation stays.
Could you please provide more information or offer any other solutions?
This is the validation query (2023.1) in its core, you can look into the exists queries of it. Maybe there's a duplicate translation? From my position is it difficult to tell why the validation returns what it returns
select d.model_id as pk_col_1, d.branch_id as pk_col_2, d.dom_id as pk_col_3 from dom d where d.model_id = @model_id and d.branch_id = @branch_id and exists ( select 1 from col c where c.model_id = d.model_id and c.branch_id = d.branch_id and c.dom_id = d.dom_id and c.sort_no is not null) and exists ( select 1 from ( -- Ordered by translation select e.elemnt_id, t.appl_lang_id, row_number() over(partition by t.appl_lang_id order by t.transl) as nr from elemnt e join transl_object_transl t on t.model_id = e.model_id and t.branch_id = e.branch_id and t.type_of_object = 2 --dom_elemnt and t.transl_object_id = e.elemnt_id where e.model_id = d.model_id and e.branch_id = d.branch_id and e.dom_id = d.dom_id
except -- Ordered by db value select e.elemnt_id, t.appl_lang_id, row_number() over(partition by t.appl_lang_id order by e.db_value) from elemnt e join transl_object_transl t on t.model_id = e.model_id and t.branch_id = e.branch_id and t.type_of_object = 2 --dom_elemnt and t.transl_object_id = e.elemnt_id where e.model_id = d.model_id and e.branch_id = d.branch_id and e.dom_id = d.dom_id ) a )
(Replace model_id / branch_id with project_id / project_vrs_id in case of 2022.2 or older)
It does appear to be an error in the validation itself. The database values are of type tinyint and range from 0 – 10. Element ‘void_space’ here has db_value 10 which when ordered as an integer should be sorted to the bottom. The validation however sorts on the software factory column elemnt.db_value which is of type varchar(25). The value ‘10’ gets sorted before ‘2’ since these are strings and get sorted as such.
A cast to tinyint like shown below solves the problem. Perhaps this validation should cast the elemnt.db_value to the Data type defined by the user in the SF:
We’ll approve the validation for now since there doesn’t seem to be any problem with the domain.
Great find, that is indeed an issue. Can you create a ticket for this? We'll be sure to correct this.
Simply casting this to tinyint does solve this for this situation, but db_value is not necessarily a numeric value so a different solution would have to be implemented.