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Thinkwise end application is created and deployed, but can’t be accessible even for the IAM admins. We need immediate support!


Hi ​@Sibylle Gisler,

When you open the Applications screen in IAM, does it mention the end application you are trying to reach? Is it active? Does it have roles and if so are these roles linked to user groups that you are part of?

Alternatively, it could be that the end application does not have the Universal platform linked in the model, or that there is no menu available to Universal.

Hope this points you in the right direction!

Hi ​@Mark Jongeling 

No, the application is not there nor active. We can’t see it at all. 
The application is fully deployed, it shows 100% in the Software Factory. But we don’t have access to  the end application.
What else can we do? Might this be related to a wrong setup of the application?

@Sibylle Gisler after having run Creation and Synchronize to IAM from the Software Factory, you will have to do the following in IAM: Create an Application, see Docs:

Might that be the missing step for you?

EDIT: The above answer applies when deploying your Application to another IAM. In this case something else is the problem I see. You have the Universal GUI opened and are seeing the Software Factory and the IAM of the Software Factory as Applications. If you wish to see your own Application, the Meta server URL on the Universal login screen needs to be different. It needs to end with /indicium/iam/sf and then you'll see your Application. I guess it currently is /indicium/iam/iam. You should be able to review and adjust the Meta server URL by clicking the arrow next to login.



We tried this out already together with Michael Ridder from Thinkwise Germany. I didn’t worked. The setup of our application is done on the Google Cloud. 
Is there an option that someone can call us, so we can try to solve the issue like this?

@Sibylle Gisler Thanks for the additional info, I have some other suggestions to look into:

  1. The User you try to login with must have the Application active within the SF
    1. Could you check within the SF > Maintenance > Users if the user you try to login with exists there


    2. Next, select the User and click on tab Runtime configurations and make sure to set the Application to Active
  1. The second thing to double-check is what Mark earlier said: does your Application have a configured Menu and is that Menu available for the Universal GUI?
    1. You can check in SF > User Interface > Menu and review settings in tabs Design and Platforms 

P.s. I have removed one of your screenshots, since it was sharing a URL and email.

Is it a new installation? Make sure it has an active license. Had that a couple of times.

My colleague had a look last friday. The problem was the  user group sf_developer had no rights to the created end application.