
Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.12

July 8, 2024:Full release 2024.2.12 Hello everyone,In this release, we have improved the way cell data is copied from the grid, optimized performance in edit mode, and added support for report parameter properties action and Export path. We have also solved some minor issues and tasks. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.2.12For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.12 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.2.12 Contents New and changed Improved the way cell data is copied from the grid Improved performance in edit mode Support for report parameter properties action and Export path Warning about HTTP Opt-out of Sentry crash reporting Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedImproved the way cell data is copied from the gridchangeIt was already possible to copy data from the grid to the clipboard by selecting the cell and using Ctrl + C. This feature has been improved in this release.Previously, when a user copied a cell from a grid with Ctrl + C, the inner grid data for the current row was copied instead of the displayed data, which in some cases can be different.Now, when a cell is copied with Ctrl + C, the data that will be copied is the displayed data. There are some exceptions, though. Some controls format the value before copying:Color: copies the color value without image. Checkbox: if selected, true will be copied; if cleared, then false will be copied; if indeterminate, then a blank space will be copied. Progress bar (read only): copies the percentage displayed within the progress bar.Some controls copy a blank space to the clipboard:File link File upload HTML HTML card Image combo Image link Image upload SignatureAll the other supported control types will be copied exactly as they are presented to the user in the grid.Whether users are allowed to copy data in a subject to the clipboard is determined by the Software Factory setting Copy to clipboard (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Columns). Improved performance in edit modechangeWe have improved the performance of the Universal GUI in default edit mode by reducing the number of requests made when entering edit mode and after changing a value.We will continue to optimize performance in future releases. Support for report parameter properties action and Export pathnewFor a report parameter with the property action, the Universal GUI now creates a dropdown editor that displays the available options. Users can choose the download type for the report from this dropdown: Excel, image, Word, HTML, etc. The default is a preview in PDF format.In addition to the action property, we have also added the Export path property. You can use this property to influence the name of the downloaded report file.You can set these properties in the Software Factory in the menu Processes > Reports > tab Report parameters. Warning about HTTPnewFor security and performance reasons, it is recommended to run the Universal GUI on HTTPS. Now, when running on HTTP, a warning message is shown to the user. Opt-out of Sentry crash reportingnewIt is now possible to opt-out of Sentry crash reporting by adding this to config.json:"disableErrorReporting": trueYou can use this, for example, for a web server without a connection to the outside world because of security reasons. We advise you to keep the Sentry crash reporting activated because its information helps us solve crashes. Minor fixes and tasksFixes for layout and styling:For subjects with auto-save enabled, if a user updated a record and then navigated to their profile menu and selected User preferences, a pop-up with untranslated warning messages was displayed. This has been fixed. Very rarely, the CRUD buttons would not show up on screen type breakpoints. This has been fixed.Fixes for issues on startup:Users would sometimes get the following snack bar error when starting the Universal GUI: "Request error: The object was not found. You may have insufficient rights or the object no longer exists." After this error, start objects would not be opened. This has been fixed.Fixes for slow connections:On a slow connection, if users clicked too fast for the network to process the requests, they were sometimes confronted with "Objects could not be found" errors. These errors looked bad to users but could be ignored most of the time. Now, the user no longer gets this message. You can still see the 404 status of the corresponding network request in your browser's DevTools.Fixes in form and grid:Drag-drop tasks would not work if used in tables without variants. This has been fixed now. Previously, if you tried to select multiple records at one time using the Shift key, it would not work as expected if this was the first action taken in the grid component. This has now been fixed. A read-only column was editable in the grid though it was set to read-only in the model. This has been fixed. This could happen for regular columns where the Type was set to Read-only for component types: - Any editor in the grid - Lookup editors in the form where the Select button in the pop-up was not disabled. The lookup editor can contain a past value that is no longer available in the dropdown. Previously, when a user started editing, the field became empty. This was not correct. The field should show the value until something else is selected. This has been fixed. Every time a row in an editable grid was switched, the data in the lookup columns would be reloaded, causing it to disappear and reappear. This has been fixed. Data in lookup columns are no longer reloaded if there are no changes.What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Grid default edit-mode improvements High priority ticketsQuestions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!  

Related products:Universal GUI

Styling update of the Universal GUI

Now that customer success is the focus of the Universal GUI, we can prioritize User Experience too.This blog is the first step, introducing quick win UI Styling updates that require no Model changes or changes in User Experience. Later, we'll introduce and discuss Data Density improvements and more comprehensive UX & Universal Theme implementations.In the past years a lot of features have been added to the Universal GUI, but in the meantime the visual side of this interface hasn’t changed a lot. Comparing our Universal GUI to other enterprise applications, we do notice that our interface lacks a little conviction. We want to improve on this together with you, to ensure that our ideas support you and your users. So please, join in the conversation and let us know what you think.We took the Insights application as a benchmark.The Projects screen in the current Universal GUIThere is a lot going on in this screen, which means our users have a lot of elements to visually look through.We think we can do better.Based on the Material UI components and the 10 Usability Heuristics we altered the UI styling, bringing us to the following design:Styling update of the Universal GUIThis is the same Projects screen in the Insights application, with only visual alterations. Let us take you through it, so you know what is going on.Styling update with subject indicators Menu Currently, the background color in the menu has the same color as the general background of the rest of the application, which can distract the user in their navigation through an application.Menu designWe want to introduce the primary color as background of the menu.This provides a better visual hierarchy and helps the user focus on the data. With this change, we also introduce a lot more color in the application.We also want to change the alignment of the Open Documents (aligned with the submenu items) and the badges in the menu (make them stick to the right). Prefilter buttonsThe current setup of the Prefilter buttons is based on an icon, with a primary-colored underline when the prefilter is active.Prefilter buttons with solid background Like you, we think this can improved by making the Prefilter button a more distinctive button, by introducing a solid background in a round shape.When the prefilter is active, the background could get the primary color or secondary color. Which do you prefer, the primary or the secondary color for active prefilter?  CRUD and Task/Report buttons Like with the prefilters, we introduce a solid background for the CRUD and Task/Report buttons.By making these button backgrounds square, they are better distinguishable against the round prefilter buttons.Default CRUD and Task/Report button styling Also, we would like to know what your stance is on introducing the primary/secondary color to the Task buttons to make it a clear Call To Action button.Concept of button with color What do you think of introducing the primary or secondary color to the CRUD and Task/Report buttons? Conditional layoutThe current setup of the Conditional layout colors the entire cell. We want to improve on this visual cue, highlighting the text only.Conditional layout around text With text fields and an icon, we could encapsulate the icon with the text highlight:Icon in Conditional Layout highlight Or we could give the icon the conditional layout color (if it’s an SVG icon of course) and place it outside the text highlight.Icon in Conditional Layout color Which one do you prefer?  Lookup controlEspecially in read-only Grids, the lookup control needs a little love.To make the Universal GUI more consistent with other controls like the email, map, URL or phone number control, we want to change the current lookup control into a hyperlink. This way we follow behavior the users expect from other platforms.Evergreen, Kim Wilde, Country building and Budget office are the Lookups in this image. In this idea, the underline in the grid is only shown on active row/hover, to prevent a grid full of underlined data. Column headersVertical space is a great challenge in the Universal GUI.The grid headers now demand a lot of vertical room compared to the rows, and the styling of the header text make them fall into the background.In this design, we want to introduce a lower header bar and a bold font style. Subtle vertical dividers between the columns in the header and the active row are also added to emphasize column width.Column headers design What do you think of this Column headers design? Form fields – Outlined styleOne of the major elements in this design is changing the Filled style to the Outlined style form fields.We think the Outlined style holds a lot of answers for data density, control alignment, conditional formatting, visual hierarchy, focus indication, etcetera.To give you an impression, we put the current Filled style next to an Outline style setup. The field content and setup are the same.On the left the current Filled Form Field styling, on the right the Outlined Form Field style Because this will be a major change, this is not exactly a ‘quick win’. We want to get rid of the Form field background color setting and implement this idea. This also means that forms in non-edit mode have no background nor outline.Forms in non-edit mode without background color What do you think of the Outlined Style for Form fields replacement? Active row colorUniversal uses grayscales to draw the attention of the user, we think that color is a better guidance and looks nicer.While using a hint of the primary color (a pass through of 12% to be precise), the active row would stick out a lot more.Active row indication in Primary colorWhat do you think of coloring the active row? ConclusionAs stated in the intro, these Design changes are predominantly focused on visual changes. They will have an impact on how the Universal GUI looks and feels, but not on its behavior.To react to the designs, use the number of the subject and place your comment next to it, so we know which subject you are referring to.We look forward to your opinions!  

Related products:Universal GUIUI/UX

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.11

June 10, 2024:Full release 2024.2.11We solved two issues that had been introduced in the 2024.2.11 release candidate: The pop-up of a marker in the Maps screen component would not show up properly, especially after switching documents. This has been fixed.  An issue could occur in some specific scenarios, such as applying sorting in a grid within a document but also in some other scenarios. After closing the document, the application would stop working, and the user would be presented with a crash report submission form. This has been fixed. Now, the user can continue using the application normally after closing the document. Hello everyone,In this release, we added the ability to start a process flow from within a custom component. We also made some performance improvements, added general keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups and a confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up. Lastly, we solved some issues. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to familiarize yourself with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.2.11For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.11 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.2.11 (release candidate) Contents New and changed Start process flow from within a custom component Performance improvements General keyboard shortcuts for pop-ups Confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-up Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next release Questions or suggestions? New and changedStart process flow from within a custom componentnewYou can now start a process flow from within a custom component by sending an instruction to the Universal GUI. For example:window.parent.postMessage({ type: 'startProcessFlow', processFlowId: 'refresh_document_detail_from_component', dataParams: {}}, '*');The process flow needs to be a deeplink process flow. See Deep linking in a process flow. The Universal GUI allows origins from the same master domain, for example, *.thinkwise.app.WarningIf you introduce custom screens or custom components into your application, you will also introduce a piece of traditional programming. If you are making changes to your model, the Software Factory will not alert you about the use of process flows and their parameters in your custom components. It is your responsibility to put a change process in place for this. For more information, see Custom screens. Performance improvementschangeWe have upgraded our general component library, which has resulted in performance improvements.Actions that triggered multiple re-draws of the interface now update the interface once. We also expect an improved grid edit-mode experience, although we have planned more improvements in this area in the upcoming sprints.Also, switching between documents and tabs looks much calmer now. Forms position their editors directly in the right place now. The same goes for (detail) tiles. General keyboard shortcuts for pop-upsnewYou can now use the following keyboard shortcuts when interacting with a pop-up:Esc - Cancel Ctrl + Enter - Confirm Confirmation when closing a lookup or pop-upnewPreviously, when users edited a record and clicked on one of the buttons, the lookup or pop-up would close without any confirmation. This could result in them losing their changes. Now, when users edit a record and try to close it, they are asked if they want to discard their changes or return and finish editing. Minor fixes and tasksIf the page size was set to -1, paging would incorrectly be presented by the Universal GUI. This has been fixed. If the checkbox Allow sort was cleared, users were unable to manually change the column width in the grid. This has been fixed. A lookup editor in an editable form or as a task parameter was emptied when the value was entered before the dropdown list options were loaded and the control was left. For example, when copy-pasting or barcode scanning. Now, the value remains and is matched once the dropdown list options are received. We have fixed an issue in the form where any field with Field number of positions further = 0 would disappear if placed directly after a file upload field. The Max no. of records indicator was not translated. Now, the indicator will display "There are more records than can be displayed". An issue could occur in the card list when the page size and the maximum number of rows were set to zero or a negative number. This has been fixed. With these values, there will be only one page with all the records.Fixes for process flows:A process flow that starts with activating a detail tab would sometimes start multiple times. This has been fixed. When a task had Await result set to No and a process flow would use this task as Start table task, the process flow would not continue after executing the task. This has been fixed.Fixes for slower connections: Sometimes, especially on slower connections, quickly changing the active row would cause the detail tab to break and no longer show data unless manually refreshed. This has been fixed. On a slower connection, the data on a detail grid could be out of sync when switching between multiple records. This has been fixed. On a slower connection, detail tab data could be out of sync after switching to the parent record and back. This can be fixed by adding the following option to config.json: "disableTabPageCaching": true, Only use this option when you experience the mentioned issue since it lowers performance.  What we will be working on next releaseThe next release will be about:Solving issues - For the status of your own issues, please refer to TCP. Improved default edit mode - Closing a document will allow the user to cancel their current changes and errors. Performance improvements. Set filter from process flow - The filter form in a process flow was no longer displayed as a user filter. We will address this issue. HTTPS Security warning - When the Universal GUI is started over plain HTTP, it will give a warning that the connection is not secure. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!   

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.2.10

May 21, 2024:Release 2024.2.10 This release is the same as 2024.1.14.0May 13, 2024:Full release 2024.1.14.0 We have solved the following known issues in the release candidate: The image combo would erroneously show text in the grid when no image was available. The grid had empty space at the bottom. The chart would not respond to size changes. Fixed: When a page size is defined, we now ignore the setting *Max. no. of records*. If you use paging, you will never get the indicator that the maximum number of records is reached. If you do not want pagination, you should explicitly set the setting *Page size* to ‘-1’. Both settings can be found in the menu *User interface* > *Subjects*. Opening a lookup pop-up while adding data another lookup pop-up caused unexpected behavior in the last opened pop-up. The CRUD buttons were gone and the form did not show because there was no record selected in the open pop-up. This has been fixed. A case where this could happen was when adding a project address and an address (base table of project address) while booking hours.  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added the possibility to resize the width of the vertical tab panel, new keyboard shortcuts, the ability to display domain element translations as values in the pivot grid, and more. Continue reading to see what else is new and what we have fixed in this release. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here . Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI  user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.2.10For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup  guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.2.10 here  ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.2.10 New and changed Resize vertical tab panel Added "Max no of records" indicator, page size, and pagination Drag and drop in the sort pop-up Shortcut support in filter pop-up Navigate with "Enter" in Filter form component 'Remember me' on login page renamed to 'Stay signed in' F5 / ALT+F5 shortcut keys to refresh data Pivot grid supports displaying domain elements Export wizard - visible columns Added element name to tooltip Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedResize vertical tab panelnewUsers can now resize the width of the vertical tab panel by dragging its edge sideways. This makes it possible to view detail tabs with longer names. The width of the vertical tab panel is remembered between sessions. Added "Max no of records" indicator, page size, and paginationnewWhen the setting Max no of records is specified on the subject, and more records than the maximum are available, an indicator is displayed to let the user know there are more records. Also displayed are the number of records per page and the pagination.If no Max no of records is specified, the indicator will not be shown, but the page size and pagination details will still be available. Drag and drop in the sort pop-upnewThe user can now drag and drop an item from the left to the right and vice versa in the sort pop-up. In addition, the user can use drag and drop to rearrange the position of items within the list on the right.Drag and drop in the sort pop-up Shortcut support in filter pop-upnewWe have added support for keyboard shortcuts in the filter pop-up. Users can use Enter or Tab to navigate to the Operator or Value fields.If the extended property Keybindings=classic is enabled for the application (classic mode), you can use Enter for navigation. If the extended property Keybindings=classic is disabled for the application (modern mode), you can use Tab for navigation.In addition, for both keybinding modes, we have changed the initial focus to the first Value field.Filter pop-up with keyboard shortcuts Navigate with "Enter" in Filter form componentnewIf you use the classic keybinding in the Filter form component, Enter now moves to the next filter form field. 'Remember me' on login page renamed to 'Stay signed in'change'Remember me' on the login page has been renamed to 'Stay signed in' to prevent any confusion about this functionality. This functionality is for preventing the user from being logged out, not for remembering login details. F5 / ALT+F5 shortcut keys to refresh datachangeInstead of loading the entire web application, users can now refresh the data in the current view by pressing the F5 or Alt+ F5 keys.If the extended property 'Keybindings’ is set to 'classic’, the refresh shortcut key is F5. If the extended property 'Keybindings’ is set to 'modern’ or not set at all, the refresh shortcut key is Alt+F5.This change means that the F5 / Alt+ F5 keys now have the same behavior as clicking Refresh   in the action bar. Pivot grid supports displaying domain elementschangeThe pivot grid can now display domain element translations as values. If no domain element is defined for a value, the original value is displayed. Export wizard - visible columnschangeThe export wizard showed subject columns that were marked as hidden on the subject or its variant in the Software Factory. These are now hidden from the wizard, except for the primary key columns. This is because the primary key columns are needed to re-import the modified Excel sheet later. Added element name to tooltipchangeWe have added element names to the tooltips of tasks, reports, buttons, and tiles. If you hover your cursor over, for example, a task, the tooltip shows the task name, its shortcut, and its information text. The tooltip shows the task name, shortcut, and information text Minor fixes and tasksIn some cases, hovering over a screen with a chart could cause errors. These errors were ignored, but could be seen in the browser development tools. They no longer occur. Fields on the same line would always equal 100% even when the field width would indicate otherwise. We removed this limitation, allowing fields on the same line to exceed 100% of the available width. This allows the Universal GUI to better scale sets of fields. You can set the Field width in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Default/Variants > tab Settings > tab General > group Form. When using a Filter form on a screen that did not allow searching, the Filter form would not show up at all. This has been fixed. A bad request error was displayed when pagination was combined with the maximum number of records and the active record would fall outside of the maximum number of records. This has been fixed. The user is now asked whether they want to open the active record on a separate screen.  Click "Show" to open the row on a separate screen Previously, you could not save your report with a custom name. Now, you can give your report a custom name by including a report parameter with Property set to Export path (menu Processes > Reports > tab Report parameters > group Model settings). When a page size is defined, we now ignore the setting *Max. no. of records*. If you use paging, you will never get the indicator that the maximum number of records is reached. If you do not want pagination, you should explicitly set the setting *Page size* to ‘-1’. Both settings can be found in the menu *User interface* > *Subjects*. Fixes for grid and form:A combo box with the bit datatype would not display the expected values in both the grid and form. This issue has been resolved, so now domain elements can be used in place of Boolean values. In a read-only grid, the summary row would be cut off if the row height was set too low. Now, it will always have a minimum height of 44, and appear correctly regardless of the row height. When a hidden column was used in the grouping of a grid, its values were visible to the user. Now, the hidden column is still used, but no longer visible. In some cases within the Formlist screen component, the fields would be slightly misaligned if an auto-complete combo control was present. This has been fixed. Navigating over editable datetime controls using the Tab or Enter keys without changing its value caused the field to PATCH its value and the record to get marked as changed. This is now prevented. Navigating over datetime controls in the editable grid by arrow keys without making changes caused the field to PATCH and the record to save. This was especially undesirable on mandatory fields since it made the previous record red because it could not be saved. This is now prevented. If you typed a dot as the first character in a numeric field, then a dot again to reach the decimals, and then added some numbers, only the first number entered was displayed as a decimal. After typing the first decimal, the cursor would jump to the beginning of the field and add the next numbers at the front. This would turn 0.1200 into 2.1000, for example. This has been fixed. When navigating through records in the editable grid using ↑ or ↓, the value of the previous record that was just changed was not always processed correctly, especially on date/time type columns. This has been fixed. Opening a lookup pop-up while adding data another lookup pop-up caused unexpected behavior in the last opened pop-up. The CRUD buttons were gone and the form did not show because there was no record selected in the open pop-up. This has been fixed. A case where this could happen was when adding a project address and an address (base table of project address) while booking hours. What we will be working on next sprint The next sprint we will be working on:Performance improvements (including grid default edit mode performance) Support report generation action dropdown Breadcrumb update on detail subject navigation More shortcut support Maintenance Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!    

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.1.14

May 13, 2024:Full release 2024.1.14.0 We have solved the following known issues in the release candidate: The image combo would erroneously show text in the grid when no image was available. The grid had empty space at the bottom. The chart would not respond to size changes. Fixed: When a page size is defined, we now ignore the setting *Max. no. of records*. If you use paging, you will never get the indicator that the maximum number of records is reached. If you do not want pagination, you should explicitly set the setting *Page size* to ‘-1’. Both settings can be found in the menu *User interface* > *Subjects*. Opening a lookup pop-up while adding data another lookup pop-up caused unexpected behavior in the last opened pop-up. The CRUD buttons were gone and the form did not show because there was no record selected in the open pop-up. This has been fixed. A case where this could happen was when adding a project address and an address (base table of project address) while booking hours.  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added the possibility to resize the width of the vertical tab panel, new keyboard shortcuts, the ability to display domain element translations as values in the pivot grid, and more. Continue reading to see what else is new and what we have fixed in this release. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here . Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI  user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.1.14For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup  guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.1.14 here  ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.1.14 New and changed Resize vertical tab panel Added "Max no of records" indicator, page size, and pagination Drag and drop in the sort pop-up Shortcut support in filter pop-up Navigate with "Enter" in Filter form component 'Remember me' on login page renamed to 'Stay signed in' F5 / ALT+F5 shortcut keys to refresh data Pivot grid supports displaying domain elements Export wizard - visible columns Added element name to tooltip Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedResize vertical tab panelnewUsers can now resize the width of the vertical tab panel by dragging its edge sideways. This makes it possible to view detail tabs with longer names. The width of the vertical tab panel is remembered between sessions. Added "Max no of records" indicator, page size, and paginationnewWhen the setting Max no of records is specified on the subject, and more records than the maximum are available, an indicator is displayed to let the user know there are more records. Also displayed are the number of records per page and the pagination.If no Max no of records is specified, the indicator will not be shown, but the page size and pagination details will still be available. Drag and drop in the sort pop-upnewThe user can now drag and drop an item from the left to the right and vice versa in the sort pop-up. In addition, the user can use drag and drop to rearrange the position of items within the list on the right.Drag and drop in the sort pop-up Shortcut support in filter pop-upnewWe have added support for keyboard shortcuts in the filter pop-up. Users can use Enter or Tab to navigate to the Operator or Value fields.If the extended property Keybindings=classic is enabled for the application (classic mode), you can use Enter for navigation. If the extended property Keybindings=classic is disabled for the application (modern mode), you can use Tab for navigation.In addition, for both keybinding modes, we have changed the initial focus to the first Value field.Filter pop-up with keyboard shortcuts Navigate with "Enter" in Filter form componentnewIf you use the classic keybinding in the Filter form component, Enter now moves to the next filter form field. 'Remember me' on login page renamed to 'Stay signed in'change'Remember me' on the login page has been renamed to 'Stay signed in' to prevent any confusion about this functionality. This functionality is for preventing the user from being logged out, not for remembering login details. F5 / ALT+F5 shortcut keys to refresh datachangeInstead of loading the entire web application, users can now refresh the data in the current view by pressing the F5 or Alt+ F5 keys.If the extended property 'Keybindings’ is set to 'classic’, the refresh shortcut key is F5. If the extended property 'Keybindings’ is set to 'modern’ or not set at all, the refresh shortcut key is Alt+F5.This change means that the F5 / Alt+ F5 keys now have the same behavior as clicking Refresh   in the action bar. Pivot grid supports displaying domain elementschangeThe pivot grid can now display domain element translations as values. If no domain element is defined for a value, the original value is displayed. Export wizard - visible columnschangeThe export wizard showed subject columns that were marked as hidden on the subject or its variant in the Software Factory. These are now hidden from the wizard, except for the primary key columns. This is because the primary key columns are needed to re-import the modified Excel sheet later. Added element name to tooltipchangeWe have added element names to the tooltips of tasks, reports, buttons, and tiles. If you hover your cursor over, for example, a task, the tooltip shows the task name, its shortcut, and its information text. The tooltip shows the task name, shortcut, and information text Minor fixes and tasksIn some cases, hovering over a screen with a chart could cause errors. These errors were ignored, but could be seen in the browser development tools. They no longer occur. Fields on the same line would always equal 100% even when the field width would indicate otherwise. We removed this limitation, allowing fields on the same line to exceed 100% of the available width. This allows the Universal GUI to better scale sets of fields. You can set the Field width in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Default/Variants > tab Settings > tab General > group Form. When using a Filter form on a screen that did not allow searching, the Filter form would not show up at all. This has been fixed. A bad request error was displayed when pagination was combined with the maximum number of records and the active record would fall outside of the maximum number of records. This has been fixed. The user is now asked whether they want to open the active record on a separate screen.  Click "Show" to open the row on a separate screen Previously, you could not save your report with a custom name. Now, you can give your report a custom name by including a report parameter with Property set to Export path (menu Processes > Reports > tab Report parameters > group Model settings). When a page size is defined, we now ignore the setting *Max. no. of records*. If you use paging, you will never get the indicator that the maximum number of records is reached. If you do not want pagination, you should explicitly set the setting *Page size* to ‘-1’. Both settings can be found in the menu *User interface* > *Subjects*. Fixes for grid and form:A combo box with the bit datatype would not display the expected values in both the grid and form. This issue has been resolved, so now domain elements can be used in place of Boolean values. In a read-only grid, the summary row would be cut off if the row height was set too low. Now, it will always have a minimum height of 44, and appear correctly regardless of the row height. When a hidden column was used in the grouping of a grid, its values were visible to the user. Now, the hidden column is still used, but no longer visible. In some cases within the Formlist screen component, the fields would be slightly misaligned if an auto-complete combo control was present. This has been fixed. Navigating over editable datetime controls using the Tab or Enter keys without changing its value caused the field to PATCH its value and the record to get marked as changed. This is now prevented. Navigating over datetime controls in the editable grid by arrow keys without making changes caused the field to PATCH and the record to save. This was especially undesirable on mandatory fields since it made the previous record red because it could not be saved. This is now prevented. If you typed a dot as the first character in a numeric field, then a dot again to reach the decimals, and then added some numbers, only the first number entered was displayed as a decimal. After typing the first decimal, the cursor would jump to the beginning of the field and add the next numbers at the front. This would turn 0.1200 into 2.1000, for example. This has been fixed. When navigating through records in the editable grid using ↑ or ↓, the value of the previous record that was just changed was not always processed correctly, especially on date/time type columns. This has been fixed. Opening a lookup pop-up while adding data another lookup pop-up caused unexpected behavior in the last opened pop-up. The CRUD buttons were gone and the form did not show because there was no record selected in the open pop-up. This has been fixed. A case where this could happen was when adding a project address and an address (base table of project address) while booking hours. What we will be working on next sprint The next sprint we will be working on:Performance improvements (including grid default edit mode performance) Support report generation action dropdown Breadcrumb update on detail subject navigation More shortcut support Maintenance Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.1.13

April 15, 2024:Full release 2024.1.13 Fixed: Pressing Alt + Enter when using the `classic` key binding in a multiline control, would not insert the enter at the caret position, it was always added at the end. This has been fixed. While using 'classic' key bindings, there was an issue navigating through grid records in a default editable grid. When the arrow keys were used to leave a record, the changed value wasn't always saved. This has been fixed. A bad request error occurred in both key binding modes when leaving an empty text field using arrow key navigation in the default editable grid. This has been fixed. We fixed a bug in the release candidate where some bars (like tasks, reports, prefilters, cube views, search) were erroneously removed from the screen. We fixed an issue in the release candidate where the cube view bar buttons sometimes were too big when the bar was placed vertically.  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we added support for user-defined prefilters, improved the screen component bars, and more. Read on for the full list of changes. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.1.13For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.1.13 here New and changedUser preference - User-defined prefiltersNewUsers can now save their custom filters as a prefilter with the new Save as new prefilter button that is available at the bottom of the filter dialog. When saving a filter as a prefilter, they must provide a unique name.After saving, the prefilter is automatically updated and becomes available in the toolbar for the specific subject. In the overflow menu, with the option Own prefilters, users can add, delete or edit their own prefilters. Edited prefilters can be saved as a new prefilter with a different name.For IAM administrators, the user-defined prefilters are located in the menu Authorization > Users > tab User preferences > vertical tab Prefilters. These options are only available for the Thinkwise Platform version 2024.1 and up.Save as prefilter User preference - Remember prefilter statusnewThe Universal GUI can now remember and apply a user's preferred state for a prefilter (activated or de-activated). A prerequisite for this feature is that in the Intelligent Application Manager, the setting Prefilter status is enabled in the Advanced menu > Master data > UP availability.For example, if a user deactivates a prefilter that was initially activated, and returns to that screen, the prefilter will automatically be deactivated by default. Enhanced filter from grid column headersnewWe have further enhanced the column header filter functionality in the grid, specifically for lookup-type columns. Users can now select multiple lookup values in the pull-down filter on a grid column header. This update is designed to make data filtering more intuitive and efficient for users.The column header filter in a grid now includes the following features:More comprehensive filtering options: when you open the column header filter on a lookup column, a pull-down appears with a list of options. It takes into account all relevant subject filters, except the one on the column you are currently filtering. This means you have access to all relevant options within your current context. Checkbox selection: each option in the list is preceded by a checkbox. Select the checkboxes for the items you want to include in your filter. Limit on filtering options: to ensure optimal performance and usability, the list of options is limited to 25 items. If the list exceeds this limit, a search/suggestion field is shown to find and select specific options in the extensive list. To customize the limit, use the extended property called LookupGridHeaderFilterOptionsLimit. When you re-open the filter pull-down, any active filters are checked, making it easy to see your current filter settings. IN operator filter functionality: the selected options are added to the IN filter. This gives you more control over your data and makes it easier to customize your view. Dropdowns in the filter pop-up from the toolbar allow multi-item selection and the IN operator, to present the filter at both ends.Checkbox selection in a column headerA search field when the number of items exceeds the limit Screen component bar improvementsnewWe have made the following changes to improve the screen component bars:We have added support for the following screen components: Search Cube view bar Prefilter bar Report bar You can now position screen component bars vertically. This includes the Task bar and Action bar screen components. To include a bar into the action bar, you can add the AlwaysMergeToActionBar screen component property to any bar. It will stay in place in the Windows GUI. Screen component bars now listen to their alignment/dock properties. Task tiles are now removed if no tasks have been defined. Show grand total of a rownewIn the Software Factory, the cube view setting Show row grand total adds a row containing the rows' summed values to the pivot. You can configure this row to appear at the top or the bottom of the pivot.You can define the settings for the grand total of a row in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Components > tab Cube > tab Cube views > tab Form:Show row grand total - Select to add a row containing the summed-up values of the rows Total position - Select the position of the row: Far: the row will be shown at the bottom of the pivot. This is the default behavior. Near: the row will be shown at the top of the pivot. The row grand total, set to position "Far" Change pivot settingsnewUsers can now change the pivot settings. When a pivot is available, users can open the Pivot settings pop-up from the overflow menu. Here, they can enable totals for rows or columns. They can also choose where to display the grand total. Cube view sortingnewUsers can now set the sorting of the dimensions through the overflow menu of the cube view: Sort. The dimensions can be sorted Ascending or Descending on their own display value or on a value present in the cube view. Mass update on lookupsnewIn release 2024.1.12, we introduced a feature allowing users to update multiple records simultaneously through the Mass update functionality. It had a known limitation: it did not allow updating lookups. Mass update now supports updating lookup fields. Conditional layout for progress bars the same in grids and formschangeThe form progress bar was displayed according to the conditional layout settings. Still, the grid progress bars displayed the default style with the conditional layout behind it on the grid cell. Now, the grid and form progress bars look the same. A progress bar in the cardlist component now also displays conditional layouts.All three (form, grid, and cardlist) now apply the text color setting to the percentage. Make sure that there is enough contrast with the background color(s).Progress bars now have a uniform look Search bar translationchangeIf you are using the Software Factory version 2024.1 or older, and upgrade to version 2024.1.13 of the Universal GUI, you will see Filter instead of Search in the search bar. If you do not want this, you can change the translation. In the menu User interface > Translation, filter for the Translation object combined_filter and change its translation.As of Software Factory version 2024.2, the translation will be Search again by default.The translation object 'combined_filter' Minor fixes and tasks Fixes for HTML fields:We have fixed the following security advisory: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-5359-pvf2-pw78. This fixes a security issue in the HTML editor in case the HTML data would have a malicious SVG in an <embed> or <object> tag. Adding an SVG in this way is not possible through the Universal GUI or Windows GUI, so in normal usage, this problem couldn't occur. If an HTML field was able to be filled by a malicious actor, for example, directly through the Indicium API, this vulnerability would become relevant. In that scenario, if a user would go into edit mode on a HTML control, the attacker's JavaScript payload inside the SVG file would be executed. In the worst case, if the SVG file was served from the same origin as Indicium, the attacker would have been able to execute Indicium requests under the victim user's credentials. Links added to HTML fields will now properly open in a new tab. Previously, the HTML control text could overlap with the action button. This has been fixed.Fixes for display and usability:If you do not declare a page size in the Software Factory, the table only displays the first 100 rows. We have added pagination so you can still navigate to the rows after row 100. When opening a lookup popup, the correct page is now activated to show the currently selected record. If you used dark mode and collapsed the sidebar and expanded it again, a brief white flash would show on the right-hand side. This has been fixed. The dropdown scrollbar on mobile devices was only visible when scrolling. It is now always visible. The dropdown is configured to display all items regardless of the dimensions of the device on which it is being viewed. Group headers in a form are now placed lower to show they are connected to their group. Some users experienced continuous resizing of tiles paired with the appearance and disappearance of a scrollbar. This would happen if multiple tiles were stacked vertically, and the list was just long enough to make a scrollbar appear and also narrow enough that any less space would cause the tiles to shrink. In applications with multiple menu options (on the Windows platform), closing a document in the tile menu sometimes automatically selected the next open document. This has been fixed. We fixed a bug in the release candidate where some bars (like tasks, reports, prefilters, cube views, search) were erroneously removed from the screen. After a user saved a cube view, the order of the series or category fields was sometimes not maintained correctly. This has been fixed. We fixed an issue in the release candidate where the cube view bar buttons sometimes were too big when the bar was placed vertically.Fixes for grid and forms:In an auto-editable grid, users should be able to switch records without saving if no changes have been made. However, if they switched records after selecting a date-type cell, the grid would always behave as if changes had been made, even if only the focus had been set. It caused validation errors if the record had unfilled required fields. This has been fixed. Pressing Ctrl + Enter now only saves the record and does not navigate to the next field. After saving a form, the focus always moved to the first field of a form, although it should remain on the last field edited, or in case of an error, on the first field that contained an error. This problem has been fixed. The active record of all parent subjects is refreshed while working in a detail subject. While the lookup data of a grid column was loading, a loading indicator was shown which was not aligned correctly. This has been fixed. Subjects with auto-save enabled would sometimes make multiple requests to Indicium to delete the staged resource. Only one request would succeed, the others would return a 404, which could be observed in browser development tools. This has been fixed. If the parent subject had no record, the Universal GUI used to make detail tabs and detail tiles of unrelated details read-only, so they could not be clicked. This was wrong because unrelated details do not need a parent record and should therefore remain clickable. This has been fixed. Occasionally, when a user pressed Shift to select something in the browser, the grid or tree could enter a state that prevented the selection of rows. This has been fixed. Using the arrow keys to navigate through checkbox cells in a grid would be very inconsistent. This has been fixed. While using "classic" key bindings there was an issue navigating through the grid records in a default editable grid. When a record was left by the arrow-keys the changed value wasn't always saved. This has been fixed. Pressing Alt + Enter when using the “classic” key binding in a multiline would not insert the enter at the caret position. It was always added at the end. This has been fixed. In both key binding modes, a bad_request error occurred when leaving an empty text field using arrow-key navigation in the default-editable grid. This has been fixed. Pressing Alt + Enter when using the `classic` key binding in a multiline control, would not insert the enter at the caret position, it was always added at the end. This has been fixed. While using 'classic' key bindings, there was an issue navigating through grid records in a default editable grid. When the arrow keys were used to leave a record, the changed value wasn't always saved. This has been fixed. A bad request error occurred in both key binding modes when leaving an empty text field using arrow key navigation in the default editable grid. This has been fixed.Fix for reports:Exporting a report to PDF would open the PDF in a new tab in preview mode. Now, the PDF will be downloaded directly, based on the configuration in the Software Factory.Fixes for import:When using the Import wizard, a problem could occur if you went back one screen and then continued with the wizard. If you selected how to import the data, went to the next screen, and then went back to change that selection, your updated selection would not be registered at the Indicium API side. The wizard would appear to have the correct option selected, but the actual import would be performed using your original selection. This has been fixed. We found an issue when importing .csv files in Firefox. This has been fixed. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Shortcut support in pop-ups Technical and functional maintenance Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.1.12

March 18, 2024Full release 2024.1.12. In the Release Candidate, we added support for user-defined prefilters. However, we had to make the decision to postpone that feature due to unexpected issues. We expect to release it again as part of the next release. Several fixes Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added a large number of user preference features to the Universal GUI. Users can now, for example, save custom cube views, show or hide columns, and save their custom filters as a prefilter. To improve the migration from the Windows GUI to the Universal GUI, we have added Windows GUI-like navigation options for editable fields in forms and grids. Additionally, we have further enhanced the Formlist component and the pivot grids. For custom CSS, we have added more options.We have also done some minor fixes and tasks. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here . Before trying it out, Select Clear Cache on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI  user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.1.12For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup  guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, such as a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.1.12 here  ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.1.12 New and changed User preference - Save custom cube view User preference - Show or hide columns User preference - Remember prefilter status User preference - Sort & group Changed filtering in lookup-type columns Windows GUI-like navigation option for editable fields in form and grid Formlist - Lookup editors Formlist - more enhancements Grid - Update multiple records Custom CSS - More control over combo and suggestion controls Custom CSS - Classes for identifying mandatory fields in a grid Import - Asynchronous import function on Azure Pivot grids - Conditional layout Pivot grids - Access underlying cell data Pivot grids - Collapse/expand nested series Minor fixes and tasks Fixes in full release 2024.1.12 What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changed User preference - Save custom cube viewnewUsers can now save custom cube views by selecting Save as cube view from the overflow menu. They can enter a name and select the default type.Save as cube viewThe saved cube view will show next to the model cube views.A custom cube view next to the model cube views To delete it, users can select Delete cube view [name] from the overflow menu. User preference - Show or hide columnsnewUsers can now show or hide grid columns in read-only grids. This option is available in the overflow menu of the grid. Additionally, they can change the Lock columns until setting.To configure the availability of these options for your users, see Configure user preferences .Show or hide grid columns in read-only grids User preference - Remember prefilter statusnewThe Universal GUI can now remember and apply a user's preferred state for a prefilter (activated or de-activated). A prerequisite for this feature is that in the Intelligent Application Manager, the setting Prefilter status is enabled in the Advanced menu > Master data > UP availability. For example, if a user deactivates a prefilter that was initially activated, and returns to that screen, the prefilter will automatically be deactivated by default.In this release candidate, the status for user-defined prefilters is not yet remembered. User preference - Sort & groupnewUsers can now change the sort order in a grid if the permission Allow sort has been selected for that table (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Settings > tab Permissions > group Data).With this permission enabled, a user's changes in the sort order and grouping will be saved, and the next time they log in, their preferences will be applied to the table.If a user selects the option Sort... in the menu, the Sort popup will appear. Here, a user sees the current status of the table: the columns on which the grid is sorted, the order of the sorted columns, and the direction in which the data in every column is sorted. If the Group permission has been selected in the Software Factory, a user also sees the Group button and if the data in the table is grouped by column(s).In the Sort popup:To sort data, users can select column(s) on the left and use the >> button to add and sort columns in ascending order. To exclude columns from sorting, users can select column(s) on the right and use the << button to move the columns to their default position on the left. To group columns, users can select columns on the right and then select the Group button. If the selected column has been grouped already, the columns will be ungrouped. To move all the columns from the right to the left, users can select the Clear button. If OK is selected, all the groups and sorting will be removed. To return to the default settings as set in the Software Factory, users can select the Default button. To change the column order on the right, users can select a column and the Up button. If the column above is grouped and the selected one is not, the selected one becomes grouped, too. Users can use Down to move columns down in the same way. To change the sorting direction in a column, users can select a column at the right and the button Direction.Known issue:When a column that is not visible in the grid is added to the sorting, it will be temporarily visible. Refreshing the Universal GUI, going into edit mode, closing and reopening the document, or switching pages in pagination will hide the column. Then, it will no longer become visible.The Sort popup Changed filtering in lookup-type columnschangeTo enable further development of filtering from grid column headers, we have changed how other column filtering methods like filter forms and quick filters work.Multiple records may have the same display value, like two employees with identical names. When filtering by that name, we now show all matching records for both individuals. This means we filter by the display value and duplicate names appear only once in the dropdown list.However, column filters applied through the Change filter process flow action filter by key. These filters are treated as system filters and no longer visible in the filter form or grid header. Users can add more filters to the column to refine their filtering. System filters are automatically cleared using the Clear filters option from the toolbar because system filters may be applied to hidden columns.Once a column is filtered, the in-line filter form dropdown shows all relevant options. Previously, the dropdown was filtered by its filter value, resulting in a single option being shown. Windows GUI-like navigation option for editable fields in form and gridnewUsers can now use Windows GUI-like navigation through the editors of editable components in the Universal GUI. This can be helpful if you migrate from the Windows GUI to the Universal GUI.We have added the extended property KeyBindings to support changing how you navigate your application with the keyboard. You can configure it per application or model in the Software Factory. Choose the value "Classic" for Windows GUI-like navigation or the default value "Modern" for the standard Universal GUI navigation.The keyboard shortcuts are as follows:Navigation Classic Modern Move to next editable control in form/grid Enter Tab Move to previous editable control in form/grid Shift + Enter Shift + Tab Open the file explorer from the file editor Alt + Enter Enter  We have added new keyboard shortcuts to avoid conflicts if you choose to use "Classic" navigation.You can create a new line in a multiline editor by pressing Alt + Enter instead of Enter. You can open a dropdown list by pressing ↓.The following editors do not support "Classic" navigation:Label Group header label Group header icon Signature Image upload Image blob Image link Video link HTML (in grid) Formlist - Lookup editorsnewWe have added support for lookup editors in the Formlist screen component. Previously, it only showed a loader and no editor.Now, the editor is shown, and the selected value is saved right after the user selects an option, just like the supported types of editors already do.Note:Related lookup editors are not yet supported. For example, booking hours: the selected project filters the subproject field with the subjects that belong to the selected project. The pop-up button is not available. We aim to keep the Formlist simple, so there is no option to look up or select a record from the pop-up. The configuration of a lookup relation in the Software Factory knows different control types. In a Formlist, comboboxes will become suggestion controls. Comboboxes (dropdowns) have the disadvantage that the list of options is loaded directly. This would result in many requests for options on initial load or data refresh. Suggestion controls load a limited number of options and only when working on the field. Formlist - more enhancementsnewIn addition to the support for lookup editors as described above, we have added even more functionality to the FormList component:In a default procedure, the Formlist will now correctly apply new values, also to other columns than the edited column. For a layout procedure, the layout will be applied after a value has been changed. For the following setting, the Formlist rows will be refreshed after a value has been changed: menu User interface > Subjects > Settings > Performance > group Refresh > field After update > select Subject. Note: if refreshing is not strictly necessary, select None since refreshing slows down performance. Grid - Update multiple recordsnewUsers can now update multiple records ('mass update') in tables at once, by selecting the Update option from the overflow menu. They can select the fields to update and enter a new value for each of themAfter the update, a message appears, showing the number of records updated and any errors found.Updating lookups directly is not supported. This feature will be included in a future update. Mass update is unavailable while the subject is in edit mode.Update multiple records in tables Custom CSS - More control over combo and suggestion controlsnewWe support two different types of combobox controls: the Combobox (dropdown list) and the Combobox with a suggestion. Previously, these types shared the same CSS styling.We have added new CSS classes to make it possible to use different CSS styling for each type of combobox:'combo-select' applies to the Combobox (dropdown list) control 'autocomplete-select' applies to the Combobox with a suggestion controlYou can now visually distinguish between the controls if needed. Custom CSS - Classes for identifying mandatory fields in a gridnewThe grid now includes classes on each cell to show the column's state. This allows you to hook into these classes in your custom CSS. You can find these classes on the .conditional-layout-container. Use this option to make certain types of cells stand out more, for example, if they contain an error.The classes are:.mandatory for cells with a mandatory field .readonly for cells with a disabled field .has-error for cells with a field that has an error Import - Asynchronous import function on AzurechangeThe import function on Azure now runs asynchronously to avoid timeouts. This ensures the file imports are completed regardless of their duration. This feature requires WebSockets. The system will fall back to the synchronous method if WebSockets are not configured.For more information on the configuration of WebSockets, see Enable WebSockets in Azure. This also applies to the Universal GUI. Pivot grids - Conditional layoutnewWe have added support for conditional layouts for pivot grid fields (menu User interface > Business Intelligence > tab Cube views > tab Conditional layout). This allows you to draw a user's attention to specific fields.Situations where the conditional layout is useful:In standard cube views (not custom cube views) In basic conditional layouts. A cube view can have multiple conditional layouts. For grand totals and nested fields (categories) Pivot grids - Access underlying cell datanewIt is now possible for a user to double click a pivot grid cell to open a pop-up with a grid containing the underlying data for that specific cell. This new grid is read-only and adheres to any filters set on the pivot grid. Pivot grids - Collapse/expand nested serieschange newNested series (columns) in pivot grids are no longer default expanded, but users can still expand them manually. This is now similar to the categories (rows).For both series and categories, we have added support for the setting to expand them by default. It is available in the menu User interface > Business intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube fields > tab Cube view fields > tab Form > checkbox Expand. Minor fixes and tasksA layout can change from mandatory to non-mandatory. Saving an empty non-mandatory field that was previously saved as mandatory resulted in the error cannot_save_document_field_error. This has been fixed. Non-existent data was incorrectly displayed as 0 in the chart. Now, the chart no longer draws these absent data. We have resolved two issues that incorrectly positioned tasks in the action bar, even though they were located elsewhere on the screen. This has been fixed. Sometimes, the overflow menu did not appear in the action bar on mobile phones. This has been fixed. Now, when space is limited, the CRUD buttons will collapse individually into the overflow menu. It was possible to use the CRUD buttons while an operation was already in progress, resulting in an error. This is no longer possible. When the process action Activate detail was used as a starting point, a 'bad request' error would appear. This has been fixed. In some cases, the pinned cell within the grid that shows the sum aggregation of data showed a non-numerical element like a checkbox instead of a number. Now, it always shows a number if a sum value can be calculated. In grids with the option Auto-save enabled, manually saving a record left the grid in edit mode. This has been fixed. Now, the grid exits edit mode automatically after saving. Editing shortcuts are now limited to components on the screen that allow add, copy, and edit actions. Lookup pop-up buttons did not always open the pop-up on the first click. This has been fixed. If a user opened a lookup pop-up and clicked the Add button quickly enough, the pop-up would occasionally not switch to the tab where the data for the new item could be inserted. This has been fixed. If you used the filter form with numeric or date/time controls, this could result in a bad request network error, causing empty controls on dropdowns. This has been fixed. Fixes in full release 2024.1.12The value "Classic” of the KeyBindings extended property that was added to the release candidate was case-sensitive. We have fixed this, so it is no longer case-sensitive, and the value "classic" now also works. Filtering a dropdown using the IN operator was not applied since the last release candidate. This is fixed now. On both numeric controls and dropdowns (data value), filters on value 0 are now applied. ​​​We have fixed an incorrect translation in the new Mass update feature. The default width of fields in filter forms has been reduced to 250px, just like fields in the regular form. As part of the release candidate of this version, we introduced the concept of system filters. These are filters from the change filter process flow action. We decided not to show system filters to the user anymore. It turns out that some of our customers used these filters as initial input for the filter form, where users can modify it to see another set of data, for example, to show all data from the current year 2024 initially. It is now possible again to filter on these columns from the filter form.  The system filters are still not displayed to the user. They will be replaced when the user filters for a different value/criteria in the same column.  What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Grid header filtering for look-up-type columns Pivot row (category) grand totals Mass-update lookup-type columns Pivot grid sorting improvement Pivot grid total positioning user preferences Vertical bars Freely positionable prefilter, cube view, report and combined filter (search) bar Action bar content alignment Questions or suggestions?Do you have any questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community!

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2024.1.11

February 19, 2024Full release 2024.1.11 In the Software Factory, we have the concept of unrelated details. Tables are linked but no columns are linked to each other to bind them. We have fixed an issue where an action was executed from an unrelated detail, causing the parent subject to be emptied. In that case, the detail was cleared too, which was unexpected.   Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added support for features that have been introduced in the Thinkwise Platform 2024.1 release, such as tying a column to a double-click task and auto_commit for default logic. We have also improved the task shortcuts and the preview component. Additionally, we have added a new extended property to lift grid row height safeguards and another one to open lookups full-screen. We have also made some minor fixes and tasks. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.1.11 For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.1.11 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.1.11  Contents New and changed Support for tying a column to a double-click task Support for auto_commit for default logic Shortcut support Task shortcuts available in every context Preview component PDF enhancements Extended property to lift grid row height safeguards Active cube view retained Handling OpenID provider in poor network conditions Logout button when application or platform is not available Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedSupport for tying a column to a double-click tasknewIt is now possible to tie a double-click task to a column, as introduced in the Thinkwise Platform 2024.1 release.This feature allows each column in a grid to start a different process or handle specific data. For more information, see Configure a double-click task. Support for auto_commit for default logicnewThe Universal GUI now supports the auto_commit feature introduced in the Thinkwise Platform 2024.1 release. This feature makes it possible to automatically save the record after filling in a field. This opens up new possibilities, such as, after receiving input, starting a process flow for validations and automatically returning to edit mode. For more information, see New parameter for default logicThe Universal GUI supports this for:Editing a new or existing record after changing a value Directly after add/copy Changing a parameter value of a task or reportNot yet supported:In combination with auto-edit and auto-save The 'confirm update' confirmation on tables The 'ask' confirmation for tasks A task without tsf_send_progress does not show progress Shortcut supportnew changedIn addition to the shortcuts that we have added in the previous sprint, we have added some new options and made a change in behavior: Ctrl + R opens the advanced filter pop-up. For iOS, we have added Cmd key support since this is used more often than Ctrl. If you add your own shortcut for a task, Ctrl will be replaced by Cmd. You can add your own shortcuts for your application in the menu Processes > Tasks > tab Settings > tab General. After opening a new subject, the detail subject was activated for shortcuts. However, this differed from the Windows GUI where the main subject is activated. Therefore, we have changed this behavior, now, the Universal GUI also activates the main subject. You can switch between subjects to activate its shortcuts by: navigation between tabs focusing a form control activating a grid cell (new)  Task shortcuts available in every contextnewTask shortcuts now function in every context, including detail subjects and subjects opened in a pop-up. Previously, they only executed tasks on the main subject.See, for example, the lookup pop-up in the screenshot below. When editing the Employee field in the Hours subject and clicking the zoom button behind the field, the pop-up opens with tasks in the taskbar. Now, you can do the same using keyboard shortcuts.Determining which subject is triggered follows the same logic as the CRUD shortcut keys introduced in the previous sprint. Additionally, the active subject is now also determined when a grid is activated, so the tasks with a shortcut are immediately available. Previously, the active subject was only determined when navigating to another subject, limiting the ability to return to a parent subject to execute shortcuts.Opening a pop-up using keyboard shortcuts Preview component PDF enhancementschangePreviously, when the Preview component showed a PDF file on Chrome on Android, the user had to open it in a PDF app to see its contents. On iOS, the preview would only show the first page and no toolbar. To address these issues, we now use an alternative way to display PDFs.NoteUse iOS version 15.4 and up. Use a recent version of Chrome (as required by the Lifecycle policy). Older versions like Chrome 114 do not work well with this new way of showing PDFs.This new way of previewing PDFs also fixes password protection and enables the use of links and forms in the PDF preview on iOS.To implement this solution, you need to configure two more MIME types on your web server. The web.config file included with this Universal GUI release already contains this configuration, so it can handle it for the IIS. Other web servers need the additional configuration:Extension MIME type .mjs application/javascript .ftl application/octet-stream  Extended property to lift grid row height safeguardsnewIt is already possible to set the row height in the grid. The Universal GUI will mostly adhere to the set height but does add some safeguards to:Ensure the tap targets are large enough Ensure controls fit in the cells in edit modeIn some instances, you may want to remove these safeguards. This is now possible with the following extended property: DisableGridRowHeightSafeguards: trueNote:When you disable the safeguards, it is your own responsibility to ensure all the content in the grid fits and looks good. This setting also affects the values at the bottom of the grid. Another height may be necessary to ensure the values are visible. Check this carefully when testing this setting. Extended property for opening a pop-up full-screennewA new extended property, 'OpenLookupsFullScreen', is now available. By setting it to 'true', all lookup pop-ups will open at a larger size, around 90% of the screen. The size is not entirely full-screen to maintain recognition as a pop-up. Active cube view retainednewThe active cube view will now be retained when opening the same screen on different devices or in different browsers. Handling OpenID provider in poor network conditionschangeThe Universal GUI depends on Indicium to receive information about the usage of OpenID providers. This information determines whether the GUI should redirect to a provider. In poor network conditions, the request for this information might be lost, and the Universal GUI would show its login page instead. This could lead to errors when local login was disabled in IAM.Now, if the Universal GUI does not receive information from Indicium but has a loginAuthProviderHint in the config.json file, it will not show the username and password fields. Logout button when application or platform is not availablechangedWhen an application or platform is unavailable, users previously received one of the following error messages:'This platform isn't available for the application. 'This application is not available. Contact your administrator.' 'No applications available. Contact your administrator.'Now, a logout button appears adjacent to the login button in such situations. This prevents users from being unable to perform any actions due to user authorization failures. Minor fixes and tasksA few months ago, we changed the default position of tooltips from the bottom to the top. However, at specific heights, when the tooltip reached the top of the window, it would start flickering. This problem was partially resolved in the last sprint. Now, we have addressed the remaining occurrences. Tooltips will still be displayed at the top by default, but if they are too large, they will be shown at the bottom. We have solved some issues with the styling of the progress bar. The cut off label has been fixed and the alignment has been improved. The Formlist component disappeared after clicking the refresh button on the main subject. This has been solved. It was possible to use the CRUD buttons while an operation was already in progress, resulting in an error. This is no longer possible. We have fixed an issue that, some specific cases, a record was auto-saved directly when it was added or copied. This would lead to a validation warning. The labels in a chart were displayed in datetime format even though the datatype was date. This has been fixed. Previously, a horizontal scrollbar appeared in a filter as long as there was a filter condition. Now, it will no longer appear as it is unnecessary. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Save and delete a user defined cube view. This allows a user to save a cube view they made with the pivot field editor. Save and delete a user-defined pre-filter. This allows a user to save a filter they created with the filter form as a pre-filter. Formlist improvements Excel-style filter look-up control Sort- and group pop-up Cube view pivot conditional layout Open drilldown from cube view pivot grid Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal 2024.1.10

Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added support for standard keyboard shortcuts, word wrap in grids, opening a document in a modal popup, and more. Read on to see all the new features and fixes. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2024.1.10For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2024.1.10 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2024.1.10 New and changed Select or deselect translation in import popup User preferences - Sorting Support for standard keyboard shortcuts Word wrap support in grids Workaround for Universal Firefox showing a black screen Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changed Select or deselect translation in import popupnewIn the import wizard, you can now specify whether the file to import (Excel or CSV) contains human-readable or database values. This is similar to the option that we added to the export wizard in the previous sprint.We will explain this with help of the screenshot below. For example, you have a manager named Hans with ID 12. If your import has the value Hans, the system needs to determine that you mean the manager with ID 12 and then insert that. What if there is another Hans with ID 15? Which one should be inserted? When exporting and importing, it is often much easier to directly use the database value of 12 rather than the translated value of Hans.Indicium version 2023.3.13 is required for this feature.The import popup with the option to select or deselect translationUser preferences - SortingnewWhen a user sorts a grid by clicking the headers, the sorting is now saved and restored when the component loads again. Support for standard keyboard shortcutsnewYou can use keyboard shortcuts to launch toolbar actions for quick and easy editing. Previously, these shortcuts were only available in forms. Now, they are available in every part of the application. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts:Add: Ctrl + + or Ctrl + = Cancel: Esc Copy: Ctrl +  Alt + + or Ctrl + Alt + = Delete: Ctrl + - Edit: Ctrl + E Save: Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl + SFor example, Ctrl + + creates a new record in your last focused table or grid. Pressing Ctrl + Alt + + copies the active record. The application performs checks at the following moments to determine on which grid, form, tree, etc., it should set the focus:Opening a document sets the focus to the main table. Switching tabs sets the focus to the main table. Editing the form or grid automatically sets the focus on the element that is being edited. Word wrap support in gridsnewIn the grid, a text field now displays multiple lines if the word wrap setting is turned on in the Software Factory. You can enable this feature for a domain using the control Multiline in the menu Data > Domains > tab Form > tab Domain > group User Interface. This means that you can scroll through the entire text in the grid.When you are editing the grid, the old styling is still used.The column's content does not influence the height of grid rows. You can adjust the Row height setting of the subject in the Software Factory. Workaround for Universal Firefox showing a black screenDuring this sprint, we investigated an issue when using the Firefox browser on Android. On some occasions, after switching to different apps and coming back to Firefox, the Universal GUI would be shown as a black screen. We found a Firefox bug report. It is not something we can fix on our side; it occurs on multiple websites. The workaround, for now, is to change the battery restrictions from 'restricted' to 'Optimized' or 'Unrestricted.' To do this, open the Settings application and open the Battery section. Click Battery optimization and find the Firefox application. Here, you can change the battery restrictions. Minor fixes and tasksIf you added a new record to a table and one of the fields was a lookup, that field remained empty. The field is now correctly filled with the lookup value. Previously, when you clicked a row in the tree with autosave on, the Universal GUI did not autosave and move to the new row. This has been fixed. There used to be an extra empty column in the grid. It was intentionally added for grids that did not have enough columns to fill the full width of the grid. This way of filling the grid is no longer necessary, so this space-filling column has been removed. Switching to a different item in a tree in auto-edit mode would sometimes cause the application to hang. This has been fixed. If you open the Advanced Filter popup, its title contains the table name. This table name was automatically converted to lowercase. Since this was not always the desired behavior, the table name is no longer changed. The Excel-style filter popup would sometimes not show all available options. This has been fixed. We have fixed five different scenarios where domain elements either would not be displayed or would be displayed untranslated in the Chart component. When a domain element was untranslated, the user would see "false" instead of "No", or "1" instead of "Concept". If you opened and closed the filter option dropdown of a column header, the filter marker would be shown. The reason for that was that the filter checkboxes in the Excel style filters were selected by default, even if no selection had been made. Now, filter checkboxes in the Excel style filters are no longer selected by default. In some cases, the custom tooltip on a grid header was cut off on the edges of the grid. The issue was introduced in version 2023.3.13 and has been fixed now. When, for example, Subprojects would be opened from the menu and would then be opened a second time by clicking a detail tile or double clicking a detail tabpage in for example Projects, reactivating Subprojects from the menu would result in the zoomed document to be wrongly opened. Universal would open the second instance from Subprojects that was opened from Projects. It now opens the first instance from Subprojects, the one opened from the menu, as it should. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Open document window as a modal from process flow Grid double click task on cell double click Commit after patch Save a user defined cube view Save a user defined pre-filter Lift the grid edit mode line height restriction Store more existing user preferences to IAM FormList Look-ups Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! (Opens in new window or tab).

Related products:Universal GUI

Universal GUI 2023.3.13

December 21, 2023Full release 2023.13 Fixed: We have fixed a bug where the application crashed and displayed a 'submit crash' pop-up when adding a new entry in the grid of the lookup pop-up. Includes: A prior solution for the chart component incorrectly displaying as 'trial' despite proper functionality and licensing. See Extra release 2023.3.12.1.  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added a number of options for users to adjust their screens to their own preferences. In addition, we have made several improvements to the action bar and the task bar. We have also enhanced the way tasks are managed.These are only a few of the many improvements we have made. Read on to learn more about all the new features and improvements in this release. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2023.1.13For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in the appsettings.json file. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.1.13 hereThis is a beta release, which can be used to test the new features. This release is not suitable for use in a production environment. The full release will be available this Monday. ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2023.1.13 New and changed Screen configuration for users Action bar and taskbar improvements Task improvements Elements filter for domain controls Check for Software Factory and IAM support Config.json file caching strategy Reduced size of Universal GUI Cube support Support for controls Multi-select retained Tooltip position Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changedScreen configuration for usersnewWe have added a lot of options for users to adapt their screens to their own preferences. Most of these settings are available in the overflow menu of the taskbar.To configure the availability of these options for your users, see Configure user preferences.Screen type - Available as of Thinkwise Platform version 2024.1 With the option Screen type, users can select another screen type. In the pop-up, they can select a screen type from the dropdown menu. The screen will refresh, and the screen type will be applied to the current subject. For the configuration of the available screen types, see Available for user preferences.Users can select another screen typeDetails - Available as of Thinkwise Platform version 2024.1 With the option Details, users can reorder and hide detail screens. In the pop-up, they can reorder the detail screens by dragging them to another position in the list. They can hide a detail screen by deselecting its check box. The screen will refresh, and the changes will be applied to the current subject. This configuration affects the displayed details in the tabs and in detail tiles.Users can select another screen typeChart - Available now With the option Chart, users can change the chart settings. They can adjust the chart type and the legend. If no legend is available, only the chart type can be adjusted.For the legend, the following settings are available:- Horizontal alignment (left, center, right)- Vertical alignment (top, center, bottom)- Legend direction (left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top)Group in grid - Available now In addition to the settings in the overflow menu, the Universal GUI now also supports grouping in a grid. Users can change the grouping by dragging a column header to a group box. Note that the grouping is not remembered when the screen is refreshed. See also Grouping in a grid.To enable this feature, two settings in the Software Factory are required:Select the Group checkbox in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Settings > tab Permissions. Select the Group box visibility checkbox in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Settings > tab General. The possible values are: Always - The group box is always visible, and it is possible to drag grid columns into it. When grouped - The group box is shown only when a group exists in the model. Never - The group box is never shown, and it is not possible to change the grouping of the grid. Users can change the grouping by dragging a column header to a group box Action bar and taskbar improvementsnew changeWe have made several improvements to the action bar and the taskbar.The action bar is the one on top that has search, prefilters, CRUD, etc. If you use a Taskbar screen component, the task buttons will be moved from the action bar to the taskbar.The first change is that we have moved all the unrelated items from the prefilter overflow menu to the general overflow menu (next to Export and Import). This change means that the overflow menu of the prefilters will disappear if there are no prefilters. The following items have been moved:Quick filter Filter Clear all filters Restore sort order Expand/collapse all (for the tree)Another change is that you can now place both a taskbar and a task tiles component on a screen. Previously, the taskbar would be removed. Multiple taskbars on one screen are also possible.If you place the taskbar at the top of the screen, it will become part of the main action bar. In that case, it will never be removed from the main action bar, even if the screen contains another taskbar or task tiles component.A new feature is that you can now reposition the items in the action bar. You could, for example, place the tasks on the left and the search field on the right. You can do this by adding a screen component property called toolbar_order to the top screen component in the screen tree. In the menu User interface > Screen types > tab > Screen components > tab Form > tab Screen component properties, you can enter a Screen component prop (toolbar_order) and Value in JSON format:{ "start": [ "Extra", "Crud" ], "end": [ "Reports", "Prefilters", "Tasks", "CubeViews", "Search" ]}This JSON object has two properties, "start" (the items on the left) and "end" (the items on the right).Both properties are arrays that can hold the following values:"Search" "Prefilters" "Crud" "Tasks" "Reports" "CubeViews" "Extra"Most of these are self-explanatory. "Extra" holds the items in the overflow menu like Import, Export, Filter, Restore sort order, etc.When we implement vertical bars, "start" will correspond to the top, and "end" will correspond to the bottom side of the bar. Task improvementsnewWe have enhanced the way tasks are managed, resulting in the following improvements:Timeouts are no longer an issue. Each task now features a progress bar, with a spinner visible until the initial message appears. Messaging has been improved.In the Software Factory, you can configure the task progress and feedback. The following options are available in the menu Processes > Tasks > tab Setting > tab General > field Await result:Yes: Users have to await the result; a progress indicator is shown, and the GUI is blocked. Yes (no progress bar): Users have to await the result; no progress indicator is shown, and the GUI is blocked. No: Tasks are executed in the background, allowing users to continue working; no progress bar is shown. Refreshing or executing a process flow is not possible. The task may be part of a process flow. Optional: Combines the previous options. The progress bar is visible, but users can cancel it. The subject is not refreshed.You can enrich the SQL logic of the task by sending progress messages. For more information, see Display progress from a stored procedure. Users will receive these messages immediately, while the progress indicator is visible in the GUI. In this way, you can inform them about the progress of a long-running task.Known issues:When a task is executed on multiple rows ("pop-up for each row"), a request to insert parameters for the next task only appears after the previous task has been executed. This might take some time, depending on the task logic. Long-running tasks are bound to the subject on which they are initiated, and the subject should remain open until the task is completed. Users will receive a message when they try to close the document.The progress bar in the task, with progress messages Elements filter for domain controlsnewThe Software Factory includes domains that may have elements. You can add elements in the tab Elements tab (menu Data > Domains). You can use this, for example, to add statuses like Approved or In progress to an Invoice column.Now, if a column holds a domain with elements, its grid header features a new filter for these elements. This is similar to the filter in Microsoft Excel, where all values for a column are accessible in the column header. In other filters and filter forms in the Universal GUI, the elements will be accessible in a dropdown field.The elements filter in the grid header Check for Software Factory and IAM supportnewIf a user attempts to log in to an unsupported version of the Software Factory or IAM, the Universal GUI will now attempt to update itself and perform a hard refresh. It will then try to log in again to check if the version is now supported. Only if the version remains unsupported, a 'version not supported' message will be displayed on the login screen. Config.json file caching strategychangeIf a network is available, the config.json file is now cached using a 'network-first' strategy to ensure it always picks up the latest changes. We maintain a caching strategy to enable Universal GUI usage even when offline. Reduced size of Universal GUIchangeWe reduced the disk size of the Universal GUI by approximately 66%. Users now need to download less when using this GUI, resulting in a better experience with faster loading times. The functionality of the Universal GUI remains the same. We removed, for example, compatibility with older browsers, saving a significant amount of space. The Universal GUI still adheres to the lifecycle policy. Cube supportnewWe have added support for the default cube view type. When a user selects a cube view, the type that you configured in the Software Factory will be shown. For example, if you have configured a cube and a chart on different tabs, the default cube view type determines which one is shown.You can configure the type in the menu User interface > Business intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube views > tab Form > field Def. cube view type.In addition, the active cube view is now remembered if the user changes the cube view. Support for controlsnewWe now support the domain controls CODE EDITOR and SQL EDITOR. These controls are used, for example, in the Software Factory. They highlight the syntax for SQL, JSON, or XML formats. Multi-select retainedchangeWhen you selected multiple rows and waited for a few seconds for auto-refresh, the selection would not be held by the Universal GUI. Now it will.You can auto-refresh on a subject in the Software Factory, see Auto-refresh. Tooltip positionchangeWe have changed the tooltip position in various places, including the form and grid. It is now located above the cursor for improved legibility of the screen elements. Minor fixes and tasksTree icons will now refresh properly when editing an item detail. When selecting four random rows in the grid and attempting to export them, the pop-up initially displayed the correct number of selected rows. However, after a few seconds, this number would update to 1 due to the grid auto-refreshing. The problem has been resolved, and now the number of selected records remains consistent. If auto-save and auto-edit were enabled, row refresh was not working in some cases when navigating to different rows using the up/down arrow keys. This has been fixed. We have fixed some issues with the snack bar. It now has a show more button when there are more than 3 messages; otherwise, it displays them in individual snack bars. We have also added space between messages in the Show more pop-up. The text in a tile will now continue on the next row if it is too long to fit on one row, ensuring complete visibility of the text. In charts with multiple axes, the domain elements on the categories were not translated, and the database value was displayed. This issue has been resolved. We have fixed a bug where the application crashed and displayed a 'submit crash' pop-up when adding a new entry in the grid of the lookup pop-up. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:User screen configuration - Remember sorting Support for default CRUD shortcuts anywhere on the page Open document as a modal Grid multiline field appearance Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2023.3.12

November 27, 2023Full release 2023.3.12 Fixed: The user no longer gets an error when logging in with an email address. Hello everyone,Some of the new features in this release are the added support for several cube features and the Calculator domain control. We have also further enhanced the functionality for filtering, the action bar, and the task bar.This release contains two breaking changes. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2023.3.12For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in the appsettings.json file. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.3.12 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2023.3.12 Breaking Support for Thinkwise Platform releases 2021.2 and 2021.3 has ended Moved config.json file New and changed Support for cube features Support for Calculator domain control Filtering further enhanced Select or deselect translation in export pop-up Scheduler sliding window HTML control in a grid Multiline control in a grid No more keyboard for lookup with combo control Data no longer reverted in a field with an input constraint Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? BreakingSupport for Thinkwise Platform releases 2021.2 and 2021.3 has endedIn accordance with our Lifecycle Policy, the Universal GUI support for Thinkwise Platform releases 2021.2 and 2021.3 has ended.UpgradeUpgrade to at least the Thinkwise Platform release 2022.1. Moved config.json filePreviously, a downloaded Universal GUI contained a preconfigured config.json file. However, this file could be easily overwritten if you replaced the GUI with a newer version. For this reason, we have removed the preconfigured config.json file and added an example version: config.sample.json.Check your configurationFor a new deployment, rename config.sample.json to config.json and add your preferred settings. You can find all the settings and their options at Configuration settings for the Universal GUI For existing deployments, you can keep your original config.json file. This change saves you a manual step or one in your CI/CD pipeline  New and changedSupport for cube featuresnewWe have added support for the screen component Pivot table fields. To display this component in the Universal GUI, select the checkbox Dragging fields in a cube (menu User interfaces > Subjects > tab Components > tab Cube). This feature allows users to modify a cube's series and categories and create a customized overview of the pivoted data.The setting Sort by cube field is supported, too (menu User interface > Business intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube fields > tab Cube view fields > tab Form). The prerequisites for this setting to work are:The Cube field type is Value (menu User interface > Business intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube fields > tab Form) And: the field is part of the cube view. A user cannot sort by values they cannot seeCube features support Support for Calculator domain controlnewThe Universal GUI now supports the Calculator domain control, allowing users to perform calculations using on-screen buttons or their keyboard. The decimal separator is automatically determined based on the user's region, using either a comma or period.The Calculator domain control in the Universal GUI​​​​ Filtering further enhancednew fixIn this release, we have further improved the Universal GUI's filtering capabilities.In the filter forms, we have expanded the support for filter conditions with the following operators:Is empty Is not Empty Does not contain Does not end with Does not start with Between Not betweenIn addition to this, the Universal GUI now supports filtering for the date, time, and datetime fields. You can use these filters in filter forms and quick filters (filtering on the selected grid cell).The advanced filter form (using filter expressions) has been introduced in the previous release, 2023.3.11.We have also fixed a problem with filters on a checkbox with 0, empty, or false values. The filter icon was not displayed on the grid column header in these cases. This issue occurred, for example, when using a quick filter on an empty checkbox, making it difficult to notice that a filter was active on this column. We have resolved this problem. Now, the filter icon will be visible in these cases. Select or deselect translation in export pop-upnewIn the export pop-up, when choosing which columns to export, a new option is available: Export headers and data translated and localized.For example, when exporting employee_id, the default behavior is that the connected name is passed. Now, if you deselect the new option, Indicium will export the raw data.A new option: Export headers and data translated and localization Scheduler sliding windowchangePreviously, when using the Scheduler with a sliding window and a top timescale set to years, the Scheduler would display only a part of the current month in the past. This potentially caused users to lose oversight of events that began earlier. To improve this, the Scheduler now starts a month in the past. HTML control in a gridnewThe HTML control now has an icon to open the popup in an editable grid. This is similar to the HTML control in the form. In the grid, a user can change the contents of the control only through the pop-up. Multiline control in a gridnewThe Universal GUI now supports editing multiline controls in grid edit mode. A user can edit these controls directly within the grid or open them in a popup for editing. The popup button is also available for a multiline control in the form.During grid editing, this button will also appear on the active record in the grid. It respects the setting Show action button found in the Software Factory menu: Data > Domains > tab Form > tab Domain. No more keyboard for lookup with combo controlchangePreviously, when opening a lookup with a Combo control on a mobile device, a keyboard would appear. Now, this behavior has been removed.If you prefer the previous behavior with the keyboard, you can enable it by adding the extended property disableKeyboardForAutoCompleteCombo: false to your config.json file.Note that if a lookup has a Default control with a suggestion (as configured in the menu User interface > Subjects > Settings), the behavior remains the same, and a keyboard will still open when accessing the lookup. A suggestion type control will display a maximum of 8 results based on the typed search criteria.You can base the choice between these options on user preference and the number of items expected in the (unfiltered) dropdown. Data no longer reverted in a field with an input constraintchangeIn a field with input constraints, the data entered would be reverted to a previous value if the input breached the constraints. This could potentially lead to a user saving incorrect data. To prevent this, we have removed this behavior. Now, saving is no longer possible if input constraints are breached. Minor fixes and tasksWe have improved the alignment of elements in the export wizard in Comfortable mode. We fixed an issue where, in specific cases like editing an autosave-enabled grid with a form component, the checkboxes' values in the active grid row would not be restored correctly after clicking cancel. Upon closing and reopening a default editable document, the document would no longer automatically enter edit mode. This has been fixed. We fixed an issue where the tree would incorrectly expand when Default Expanded is set to false. We resolved a problem where certain SVG icons in the tree and form were not displayed correctly. When updating a tree icon through a task, the icon failed to refresh, persisting with the original one. Now, the tree icon will correctly refresh. We have fixed an error that occurred when a task with a HTML parameter was opened from the tiles menu. On the current application page, clicking the application switcher would display nothing if the user lacked rights to other applications. This has been fixed. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:SQL/Code editor Grid grouping by dragging headers Chart user-defined legend position User preference screen type User preference detail show/order Excel style filter on domain controls Task progress report Toolbar improvements Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal 2023.3.11

October 27, 2023Full release 2023.3.11 Fixed: The cubes no longer listened to filter options like adjusting a prefilter, changing a parent record, searching, etc. This has been resolved.  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we added a filter pop-up, the option to select a chart type, support for the Color control, and more. We have also fixed a number of issues. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI  user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2023.3.11For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.3.11 here  ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2023.3.11 New Open the Process flow monitor from the profile menu Advanced filter pop-up Pivot series totals Icons on component tabs Chart type selection Support COLOR control 'Activate Detail' process flow starting point Changed Updated import Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions?NewOpen the Process flow monitor from the profile menunewIn the previous release, Thinkwise introduced the Process flow monitor. You can use it to gain insight into the state of a process flow for the logged-in user.Now, if you have the role of Developer, you can also open the Process flow monitor from the profile menu in the Universal GUI. It was already available as a link on the Indicium login screen.The Process flow monitor is available as of Indicium release 2023.3.10. Advanced filter pop-upnewWe have expanded the possibilities for the user-defined column filters with a pop-up. With the advanced filter pop-up, users can have a better overview of the set filters. It also provides a flexible way to modify and combine filters based on fields, operators, and values.You can open the pop-up from the subjects toolbar by selecting the Filter option.The Filter option is available in the overflow menu You can configure the initial appearance of this filter form in the Software Factory (menu User interface > Subjects > tab Default/Variants > tab Data > tab Filter). The selected operator can be defined per column using the Filter Condition. Otherwise, it is set based on the default settings of the Model per data type (menu Models > Model content > tab Model settings > group Filter).The pop-up initially shows the Visible for filter = Always columns and the columns the user already filtered on. We advise you not to make each column visible by default to give the user a clear overview of the most important columns to filter on.Creating a filter on the selected grid cellWith the dropdown at the bottom, the user can add more columns to the filter. Here also, the Visible for filter = Extended columns are available to add. Select Reset to start over again with the initial settings. Only one statement per field is possible.Once the user confirms the settings by selecting Filter, the pop-up is closed, and the subject is filtered.Not all types of fields can be filtered yet, and not the full list of operators has been implemented yet.Missing operators:is (not) empty not starts/ends with not containsUnsupported control types:Date/time File/image HTML/multiline Label  Pivot series totalsnewPivots now show the subtotals and grand totals of series. The totals appear to the right of the values being summed.  Icons on component tabsnewYou could already add icons to detail tabs. Now, you can also add icons to component tabs (menu User interface > Screen types > tab Design).If a tab container has a vertical orientation and at least one of its tabs has an icon, icon space is reserved on every other tab in that container as well, even if they do not currently have an icon.The icons are hidden by default. Use the extended property ShowTabIcons to enable them per application. Chart type selectionnewUsers can now change the chart type. To change the chart type, click  to open the Chart settings and select the Chart type from the list. The selected chart type is remembered on the device and will be applied again when the chart is reopened. Support COLOR controlnewWe now support the Color control in the grid, form, and card list. When in edit mode in the grid or form, the user can select a value for the Color control using a color picker. When not in edit mode or when in the card list, the user sees the color that was selected and its textual representation (in hex). 'Activate Detail' process flow starting pointnewThe Activate Detail process action can now be used as a starting point for process flows. ChangedchangeUpdated importWe have updated the mapping step in the import process:The checkboxes now have tooltips explaining their state and the possible action to take. You can now import an empty (NULL) value. This differs from not importing a column since it will import the column without its values. If you clear a checkbox, the selected column value is stored, and it is restored if you select the checkbox again. Minor fixes and tasks The process flow would continue after closing the message pop-up by clicking outside of it. This has been fixed. Some control types (for example, a checkbox) within a task pop-up did not always respond to their visibility. This happened if it did no longer fit in the same row/slot as the other fields because of field visibility changes. This issue has been fixed. The tooltip stayed visible after opening a screen with a process flow. This has been fixed. If a slot in the form contains multiple fields and one or more of those fields are hidden, the space for the visible fields is now calculated so that no space is reserved for the hidden fields. The Universal GUI would not reset the page index for the detail subjects when switching rows. This could result in empty details because of the invalid page index. The detail subject is now reset to the first page/record. On deleting an active row via a task button, the task would successfully delete the record, but the UI would show a warning message: "Object not found". This has been solved. Forms were not cleared after executing a task on a filtered dataset. For example, a filter hides all records with the status done. If you executed a task to set the status of an active record to done, the record would be filtered from the table. However, the active form would not be cleared. The record would still be available but not editable. This has been fixed. The 'Open as floating document' parameter for the 'Open document' process action did not work correctly if the subject to open was not available in the menu. This has been fixed. If the splitter was moved outside of the browser window, some components would freeze and become unusable until the page was refreshed. This issue has been fixed. If a lookup would gain focus automatically by adding in the grid, the Universal GUI would sometimes not correctly fill in the value typed by the user. When typing, the new characters would completely replace the already typed characters. This has been fixed. When working on a record in edit mode while auto-edit is enabled, you could lose edit mode or encounter an error message when selecting add or copy. In that case, it was not possible to return to edit mode. This has been fixed. It was possible to edit the checkbox in the grid when not in edit mode. This issue has been fixed. The task and report popups would not respond to changes to the @confirm_button_type and @cancel_button_type in the layout procedure. In the example below, this would result in the execute button staying disabled, even after the user fills in the name. This has been corrected. if @name is nullset @confirm_button_type = 1 -- disabled The cubes no longer listened to filter options like adjusting a prefilter, changing a parent record, searching, etc. This has been resolved. What we will be working on next sprintAdditional drag-and-drop scenarios Pivot sort series on values. UI for user-defined cube views. Filter on date time types. Support for more filter types like: is empty and not contains. Toolbar improvements. Editable multiline and HTML in the grid. Export and import translated data. Calculator control. Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI (2023.3.10)

October 4, 2023Full release 2023.3.10 (from 2023.2.13 BETA) New features that support the Thinkwise Platform 2023.3: Language user preference Fallback display types for table tasks and reports Change: Tab icons hidden by default Fix: Multi-select for touch screens  Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added configurable import for Excel and CSV files. We have also added support for the Language user preference, the Change sort order process action, and fallback display types for table tasks and reports. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2023.3.10For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.3.10 here ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2023.3.10 Contents New and changed Support for fallback display types Configurable import Tab icons hidden by default Language as a user preference Support for 'Change sort order' process action Improved hierarchy and attribute trees  Skeleton screen when loading Saving when switching tabs changed Fixed multi-select for touch screens Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? New and changed Support for fallback display typesnew​We have added support for fallback display types for table tasks and reports. This is available as of Thinkwise Platform version 2023.3.To customize how a table task or table report is shown in the Universal GUI, you could already change its Display type. If there was enough space, the presentation would be according to the selected type. With insufficient space, the Universal GUI decided what the fallback display type would be.You can now customize the fallback behavior to suit your needs. We have added additional combinations of fallback display types as options to cover most cases. For more information, see the Thinkwise Platform 2023.3 release notes. Configurable importnewYou can now configure how to import an Excel or CSV file into your subject. You can find the Import option in a subject's overflow menu. The import consists of various steps that guide you to the configuration:The first step is Select file. Here, you can select the file that you want to import. .XLS, .XLSX, or .CSV are the only allowed extensions.Select the file you want to importIn the second step, Import mode, you can configure how the data should be imported. Based on the selected mode, the description at the bottom differs because it depends on the location where the export is started. When working in a detail subject, it explains why the related columns to the parent subject could not be changed. The options for the import mode are:Insert all data Add new records, update existing records Only update existing recordsThe third step is Prepare data. This page differs according to the type of file that is selected. With the fields at the top, you can select which part of the selected file you want to import. It also shows sample data of the selected file.For an Excel file, you can select the worksheet and where the data starts. For a CSV file, only the headers field is available. Indicium guesses the delimiter separating the column values. This cannot be changed yet.For both import and export, it is not yet possible to work with translated data.The fourth step is Map data. Here, you can map the column of a CSV or Excel file to a column in your database. You can select which columns should be imported. If columns are not available in Excel but do require a value, you can set a constant value that should be used for each row. Next to each column, a preview is shown of the data that will be imported.Map file columns to database columnsThe final step is Import. This screen shows an overview of the configured settings and a preview of what the import will look like. Select the button Import to start the import. A progress bar is shown.When the import has finished, an overview shows how many records have been imported, updated, or failed. You can download an Excel file with the rows that failed to import. Tab icons hidden by defaultchangePreviously, icons on tabs were, by default, always visible. Based on user feedback, we have changed this. Now, tab icons are hidden by default.You can use the new extended property ShowTabIcons to show them. Language as a user preferencenew changeUsers can now change their language in an application with the Universal GUI. This is available as of Thinkwise Platform version 2023.3.They can select User preferences in the profile menu and switch to any available language. If no translations are available for the selected language, the Universal GUI will show the default language. Note that it can take up to one minute for all translations to load.In addition, the option Change password has moved from the User preferences to its own item in the profile menu.Changed user preference menu Support for 'Change sort order' process actionnewUniversal GUI now supports the Change sort order process action. It was already available for the Windows and Web GUIs.We have also solved a problem with the sort arrow. It would not be removed when resetting the sort order. Improved hierarchy and attribute treeschangeWe have improved the hierarchy and attribute trees. They now support multi-selection and conditional layouts.This change also results in some small behavioral changes:Previously, you had to use the left and right arrows to expand and collapse. Now, this is done with the Enter key instead. The trees have some minor visual changes.In addition, we have solved a crash in the attribute tree and the problem of a broken hierarchy tree when multiple parent columns were configured.  Skeleton screen when loadingchangeThe Universal GUI now shows a skeleton instead of a spinner screen when loading. If you want to go back to the spinner, set enableSkeletonScreens to false in the config.json file.Example of skeleton screens Saving when switching tabs changedchangeIf you switched to a different tab with Auto-save enabled and the subject in edit mode, it would be saved in the background.Now, if you switch to another tab, the subject will be saved first. Only if the save succeeds will it switch to the new tab. This prevents errors in the newly opened tab about the previous subject, for example, when a mandatory field is empty. Fixed multi-select for touch screensfixWe have solved some problems with multi-select for touch screens:It is now possible to deselect the active record (as shown in a form and breadcrumb). When deselected, the first selected record will become the new active record. Deselecting is not possible if the active record is the only selected record; this is intentional. If you deselect the active record when it is the last record in a selection, the GUI now shows the right number of selected records in the top bar (instead of 0). When you start selecting multiple records by long-pressing a record, this record now becomes the new active record, as expected. Previously, it would be added to a selection with the prior active record. Now, checkboxes are shown on each row in a grouped grid. It is no longer possible to exit multi-select with long-pressing, you must now press the X in the top bar. Minor fixes and tasksAdding a new row that included a read-only checkbox field on a grid would ignore the default value of that field and show a NULL/indeterminate checkbox. This has been fixed, the proper value will be shown now. The HTML control did not save the contents correctly when closing the keyboard with the Done button on iOS. This has been fixed. The control for the file input field scaled outside the normal field boundary during uploading. This has been fixed. The tooltip for grid headers did not look as intended. This has been fixed. A detail subject kept showing summary/aggregation value underneath the grid when a parent record was selected without detail records. This resulted in a possible expensive data request without filtering on the parent keys. This has been fixed; without a parent record, there will be no summary. The Copy to clipboard control for forms would not expand to match the field height in the positions setting. This has been fixed. The control now also allows multiple lines of text if the field height in positions is higher than 1. Clicking on hyperlinks in form input fields (Email, Telephone No, URLs, etc.) would not work. This has been fixed. What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on:Advanced filter form Pivot series totals Editable cube view Questions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI

Release notes Universal GUI 2023.2.12

September 1, 2023Full release 2023.2.12 Fixed: Sometimes, the Add row or Edit row process actions could cause issues if they were preceded by an Activate detail process action. This has been fixed. If a small HTML control had the Show action button set to Never, the Universal GUI would still reserve space for the pop-up button. This has been fixed. Hello everyone,In this sprint, we have added support for drag and drop for records in a tree, task parameters for drag and drop, icons on detail tabs, and more. We have also fixed a number of smaller issues. DemoAs always, we have made a demo for you: try it here . Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen.Read the Universal GUI  user interface guide to get familiar with the GUI. Universal GUI version 2023.2.12For more information about setting up the Universal GUI, see the Universal GUI setup  guide.Note:Use a modern browser to access the Universal GUI, e.g., a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Deploy the Universal GUI on the same server as Indicium or an allowed origin in appsettings.json. The Universal GUI only works with version 2022.1 and up of the Thinkwise Platform. Run all hotfixes on IAM and the Software Factory that you plan to use for the Universal GUI. Use the latest version of Indicium.Download the Universal GUI version 2023.2.12 here  ContentsDemo Universal GUI version 2023.2.12 New Insert functionality Detail icons on tabs Scheduler sliding timescale window Support for drag and drop in trees Drag and drop supports filling in task parameters Support for configurable export Support for more Cube group intervals Support for 'Open as floating document' Support for cube view filters Minor fixes and tasks What we will be working on next sprint Questions or suggestions? NewInsert functionalityYou can now support inserting a new record based on the currently selected record.If the user clicks Add in a subject, all fields that have been marked with 'Include in insert' (set in the menu User interface > Subjects > tab Columns > tab Form) are taken into account when adding the new record. At least one of these fields must be part of the current sorting/grouping of the subject. The fields marked with 'Include in insert' are automatically filled in the new record, resulting in the record being 'inserted' near the current record.For example, a new record can be automatically added to the same parent as the selected record if the parent_node_id field is set to 'Include in insert'. Detail icons on tabsYou can now add icons to detail tabs (menu User interface > Screen types > tab Design).If a tab container has a vertical orientation and at least one of its detail tabs has an icon, icon space is reserved on every other detail tab in that container as well, even if they do not currently have an icon. Scheduler sliding timescale windowThe scheduler definition in the Software Factory (menu User interface > Schedulers > tab Scheduler > tab Schedule views) now contains the checkbox Sliding pagination.With this checkbox, you can set the timeframe to use the current date as the starting point for projecting a timescale into the future. For example, if it is November, you will see November, December, January, February, and so on, so that you can look beyond the new year. It does not yet allow you to configure how much of the past you would still like to see. Support for drag and drop in treesWe have added support for dragging and dropping to and from the tree component. This includes dropping items on specific nodes in the tree.The Software Factory developer determines where an item can be dropped by defining tasks associated with drag-and-drop actions. The item to be dragged and the record on which to drop it are included as parameters. Drag and drop supports filling in task parametersWe have added support for showing the task pop-up after dragging and dropping a row. This makes it possible to fill in additional parameters if needed. In addition, the Software Factory setting Popup for each row (menu Processes > Tasks > tab Tasks > tab Settings > tab General) has been implemented in case you drag and drop multiple rows.If there are no visible parameters, the drag-and-drop task is executed automatically. Support for configurable exportWith the Export option, you can configure how to export the data of your subject. You can find the Export option in the overflow menu of a subject.You can configure the following:Whether you want to export all rows or only the selected rows.Select rows to exportWhich columns to export, and their order.Select columns to exportThe file format (.xls, .xslx, or .csv).Select output file formatSupport for more Cube group intervalsWe have added support for more cube group interval types. The interval types can be found in the Software Factory in the menu Subjects > Components > tab Cube > tab Cube fields.The following interval types have been added:Day of month: To get the day of the month. For example, 20 October will result in 20. Day of week: To get the day of the week. Weekdays are counted from 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday). Support for 'Open as floating document'The open document process action now listens to the 'Open as floating document' parameter of the process flow action. When this parameter is set to 'Yes', the document is opened in a new browser window.The process flow does not continue in the floating window. Support for cube view filtersWe have added support for cube view filters. The cube view filters can be found in the Software Factory, in the menu User interface > Business Intelligence > tab Tables > tab Cube views. You can add filters on different cube fields, and you can also filter on the same field multiple times. In this way, you can tailor the cube view to include only the data that is relevant to your situation.Add a filter to a cube fieldMinor fixes and tasksPreviously, in the chart view, you could encounter the label 'undefined' in the data description on the axis. This has been fixed. When using an 'activate detail' process flow, the detail tab would be shown even if no record was selected or the detail tab was disabled for the selected record. This has been fixed. Previously, password controls were auto-filled. This could cause the user's password to be filled into any field in any application with a password control. Now, only the password field on the login page can still be auto-filled. Previously, the lookup autocomplete input would change size on load. This could cause task and report forms to jump in size. If multiple lookups were in a pop-up in the same column, this issue would cause that pop-up to resize multiple times while it was loading. Now, a pop-up shows a loader until the lookups for that task or report are loaded. Lookup fields show a loader until all required calls are done. The forms no longer change size during loading. The Zoom document process action did not use the correct tab and tab variant. This has been fixed Previously, even if the grid's add or edit settings were disabled, it could still be forced into add mode or edit mode respectively by a process action. It would then lock up, and you would have to force a refresh. This has been fixed. Errors could occur when using a Time control on a DATETIME or DATETIME2 datatype of the database. The problem has been fixed. When navigating to an unrelated detail tab that uses a variant, the root configuration was used. This has been fixed. When using a formlist, the fields were presented as editable, even if form update permission was turned off. This has been fixed. Certain detail icons in the document menu did not respond to size formatting, resulting in a disproportionate shape. This is now fixed. We have fixed a bug where the splitter was wrong when two bars (for example, toolbar and taskbar) were placed side by side. Previously, if the text in a detail tab overflowed where a badge was present, the badge would be pushed out of view, potentially causing the user to miss important information. The text now overflows while still allowing the badge to be displayed correctly. When DateTime was made a primary key, errors would occur if a user had a Timezone set in their user profile The DateTime would be incorrectly converted back to UTC, and the correct record in the table would not be found. This has been fixed. If you created a report with multiple rows selected, the report would only be generated for the first record. Now, the reports are generated for each row, and the resulting reports are zipped and then downloaded. Previously, in a resource scheduler component with many timescale headers, the text might overflow its slot and become unreadable. Timescale headers now accommodate the full width of all text. The checkbox control had a styling issue where it would show a small dot in the upper-left corner. This has been fixed. When deleting a row in a formlist via a task, the deletion would be successful, but a warning error would be thrown that the resource could not be found. This warning error will not be shown anymore. Sometimes, the Add row or Edit row process actions could cause issues if they were preceded by an Activate detail process action. This has been fixed. If a small HTML control had the Show action button set to Never, the Universal GUI would still reserve space for the pop-up button. This has been fixed.What we will be working on next sprintThe next sprint we will be working on: User preferences: change language. Freely positionable filter bar. Support for the import wizard and all its options. The import wizardQuestions or suggestions?Questions or suggestions about the release notes? Let us know in the Thinkwise Community! 

Related products:Universal GUI