
🚀 Platform improvements for week 42

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager

Hi everyone!

We’ve released the following platform improvements this week:


SF 2022.2

  • 20221017 - Show correct percentage during synchronization
    • When starting the Generation of synchronization scripts via the Indicium API, the progress of the job can be followed inside the Software Factory in the Synchronization to IAM screen. If this process had no follow-up process, the process would simply finish and leave the screen showing a completed process and a progress of 20%. This could falsely indicate the process hadn't finished, so it has been changed to show 100% upon completion.

IAM 2022.2

  • 20221019 - Pooled OIDC provisioning fix
    • Changes to users in IAM are restricted in such a way that the application pool account used by Indicium needed to be an administrator in IAM to be able to perform OpenID user provisioning. This has been resolved.
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