
🚀 Platform improvements for week 14

Related products: Software Factory Intelligent Application Manager

Hi everyone!

We’ve released the following platform improvements this week:


IAM 2022.1 and up

  • 20230403 - Performance improvement clean up system flow log
    • The task to clean up system flow logging could potentially cause a lot of wait times. This service fix significantly improves the performance of this task, so that the wait times no longer occur.
SF 2022.2 and up
  • 20230331 - Show display type option
    • Universal GUI version 2023.1.15 and up now supports display types for table tasks and table reports. After installing this platform improvement, the field will be available in the Software Factory.
      For example, in the Table task screen:


SF 2023.1

  • 20230405 - Fixed datetime check point in time
    • In the check if the chosen point in time is in the future, the time was converted to UTC. However, it already is converted to UTC time by the GUI and only shown as local time. So the conversion was not needed and could result in false error message that the chosen point-in-time is in the future. This has been resolved by removing the conversion to UTC in the Default procedures.
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