release notes

Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.3.17)

Related products: Windows GUI
Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.3.17)

Hello everyone,

In this sprint, we have added support for double-clicking a task in screen types that contain a tree. In addition, you can now link a task to deleting an appointment in the Resource Scheduler. We have also solved a lot of issues.

You can read more about the Windows and Web GUI's features, in the GUI user manual. We will keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.




Double-click task support for tree screen types

(Windows & Web GUI) As of this version, it is possible to add a double-click task to screen types that contain a tree.


Resource Scheduler: new extended property for a task after deleting an appointment

(Windows & Web GUI) In the Resource Scheduler, it was already possible to link tasks to actions, for example, double-clicking, moving, or resizing an appointment.

You can now also link a task that has to be executed when an appointment is deleted with the Delete key, with the new extended property DeleteAppointmentTaskScheduler. For example:

DeleteAppointmentTaskScheduler = "scheduler_delete_appointment".


Minor fixes and tasks

  • (Windows GUI) For images that were uploaded using the AWS file storage system, the file name was displayed instead of the image. This has been fixed. Now, image uploads via AWS appear as images in both the grid and the form.
  • (Windows GUI) We have fixed a bug in the OAuth connector that resulted in a blank login screen. Also, we have added some extra debug logging for the OAuth connector. You can find these log messages in the Debug screen (Developer ribbon).
  • (Windows GUI) Previously, when the value of a variable contained more than 43,500 characters, the Windows GUI showed a blank value in the Process flow monitor (Developer ribbon). Now, it shows a notification that the value is too long. You can copy the value to the clipboard by double-clicking on the text box.
  • (Windows GUI) When a group header contained only one visible column, and this column was hidden using the User Preferences ribbon in your end-application (Subject configuration > Grid), the column was removed, but the group header remained, along with a dummy empty column underneath it. This has been fixed. Now, the entire group header is removed when no underlying columns are visible.
  • (Windows GUI with Indicium (Basic)) We fixed a look-up with suggestion control that resulted in a query error.
  • (Windows & Web GUI) If the name of an uploaded file already existed in the AWS file storage, the file was replaced. This has been fixed. Now, the name will be made unique automatically.
  • (Windows & Web GUI) Now, the maximum value that can be set in the Software Factory domains will be enforced in the Windows and Web GUI.
  • (Web GUI) In a task form, when a file upload field was filled by a default stored procedure, a form refresh would clear the field. This has been fixed.
  • (Web GUI) Previously, when inserting the first record into a grid, the look-up dialog would not show when it was openend from the context menu or CTRL+L. This problem has been fixed.
  • (Web GUI) Now, the Web GUI will ask the client to refresh the GUI to prevent that a timeout occurs.
  • (Web GUI) We have fixed a bug in the DevExpress reports error logging that caused high CPU usage in Azure environments. This bug occurred when a report could not find any row in its source tables.