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Hello everyone,

in this sprint, we added a new connector process action, as an addition to the OAuth connector that was recently released.

You can read the GUI user manual to read about the Windows and Web GUI's features. We'll keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUIs progress.



A new connector process action (Windows GUI)

A new connector process action has been added: the OAuth refresh token connector. You can use it to request a new access token for OAuth if the old one is expired.

It can be used, for example, to leverage the Microsoft Graph API (Azure, Office 365, Microsoft 365) on behalf of a user instead of a service account. For this process action, input and output parameters are added.

This connector process action is an addition to the OAuth connector that was recently released.

New connector proces action: OAuth refresh token

It needs an OAuth server configuration to work:

OAuth server

This server can be configured in the menu Projects > Project overview > tab Project versions -> tab OAuth servers.

OAuth server configuration

It is possible to override these settings for development/testing purposes in the runtime configuration (menu Deployment > Runtime configuration > tab OAuth servers).

It is also possible to override the configuration settings in IAM (menu Authorization > Applications > tab OAuth server configurations).


Minor fixes and tasks

  • The input field validation (for example, the input must be bigger than 0) in a default editable multi-page grid was not working as it was supposed to. This has been fixed.
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