Release notes

Release notes Windows GUI and Web GUI (2021.2.17)

Related products: Windows GUI

Hello everyone,

in this sprint we fixed a couple of issues in web and also changed Windows GUI behavior when connected to indicium.

You can read the GUI user manual to read about the Windows and Web GUI's features. We'll keep you updated regularly about the Windows and Web GUI's progress.

Windows GUI will not send unnecessary requests after a 401 Unauthorized response

The Windows GUI will not send unnecessary requests anymore after a 401 Unauthorized response. A message will be represented after an unauthorized request to ask the client to login again.
This scenario could've happened when an indicium was restarted or in some instances when a laptop user would put his laptop in sleeping mode.

Other fixes:

  • Web GUI: Domain with type uniqueidentifier now supported in lookup. Therefore it is now possible to select value from the drop down list on lookup with uniqueidentifier domain type.
  • Web GUI: SVG icons in the Web GUI were displayed incorrectly. It seemed like the icons were disabled whereas they were enabled.
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