release notes

Release notes Universal GUI (2021.2.16)

Related products: Universal GUI
Release notes Universal GUI (2021.2.16)

2021, September 3:

  • Full release 2021.2.16
  • Fixed since the 2021.2.16 beta: Lookups without popup icon were not aligned properly. The value would be overlapping the label in the form. In grid edit mode the whole control was shifted down.

Hello everyone,

in this sprint, we've added support for working with tasks when you're offline. In addition, we added a 'compact' mode with less space since more data on the screen could make an application easier to scan, view, and compare. And in the Resource scheduler, you can now switch between two timescales: days and weeks.

As always, we've made a demo for you: try it here. Before trying it out, press 'Clear Cache' on the login screen. You can read the GUI user manual to get familiar with the Universal GUI.

We'll keep you updated regularly about Universal's progress.


Universal GUI version 2021.2.16

Like with every blog, we've released a version so you can test the Universal GUI out for yourself. Don't forget the documentation and be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • A modern browser is required to access the Universal GUI, eg a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari mobile. Using the Universal GUI with IE is not supported.
  • The Universal GUI must be deployed on the same server as Indicium or it should be an allowed origin in appsettings.json.
  • The Universal GUI only works with version 2019.2 and up of the Thinkwise Platform.
  • Furthermore, make sure you run all hotfixes on the IAM and SF that you plan to use for the Universal GUI.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Indicium Universal.

Download the Universal GUI version 2021.2.16 here



Compact mode

Ample whitespace is necessary in an application. It improves, e.g., comprehension, legibility, and focus, and it guides the user through the interface. However, some applications are less suited for the default data density that is currently used (supplied by Material-UI). A denser UI could make data in your application easier to scan, view and compare. For this reason, we’ve implemented a compact mode.

You can add a default for your users to the config.json, with:

"spacingMode": "compact"

The options for spacingMode are compact and comfortable. Depending on the goal of your application, you may want to use a more compact or a more comfortable UI. If you do not set this property explicitly, it will default to compact for desktop and comfortable for touch devices.

The user can override this option in the User preferences if they prefer a different density:

Settings for density in the User preferences

Besides adding a compact density mode, we made a few changes that impact the comfortable density mode.

  • Reduced font size 
    We’ve reduced the base font size from 16px to 14px in both compact and comfortable modes. Since text takes up less space, components get a tad denser.
    We use the base font size as a measurement for the size of some components, not just the size of the text content. So, reducing the font size makes components denser by default, even in the comfortable mode.
  • Reduced grid row height
    We’ve also reduced the grid rows to 44px (from 48px), which ensures that more data is visible on the screen in both modes.
  • Spacing in compact mode
    Compact mode reduces the spacing in the Universal GUI by half (4px rather than 8px). This spacing comes back in the margins outside components and the entire screen, but also inside components. After reducing the spacing, we checked where the components in the Universal GUI needed tweaking. We tightened the components where necessary and reduced the density if a part became too dense and compromised legibility.

This gif shows what has changed. It moves twice from the old situation to the new compact mode, and finally back to the comfortable mode:


Offline tasks from the menu

Available only from release 2021.2.

Universal now supports offline tasks from the menu.

Previously, the Universal GUI did not respond properly to a failing network connection. A lot of error messages would pop up, and parts of the screen remained empty. Also, planned offline operations were impossible, e.g., for a maintenance engineer working in a basement or a ship crew at sea.

Now, while still online, the requests to start the GUI are cached and persisted as long as the definition doesn't change. And when the connection is lost, the user is requested to close their work to work in offline mode. Switching between online and offline mode will reset the GUI.

Warning that you're about to go in offline mode

At the same time, the menu is disabled, and tasks flagged as Offline executable become available. An indicator next to the user menu shows the state of the connection.


Status: offline.
Status: online without changes.
Status: online with pending changes.

There are some restrictions when working in offline mode:

  • The tasks cannot (yet) contain lookups/domain/file controls.
  • The tasks will check for mandatory fields but make no other validations.
  • The tasks will not execute application logic for parameter input. Indicium will do this later when you're online again.
  • The task control procedures should accept all input and not relay errors since the user cannot fix these when syncing. We plan to add relay or export options later on.

After a connection has been restored, Universal will not reconnect automatically but stay offline. So, the user needs to 'Reconnect'. This option becomes available by clicking on the offline indicator.


At that moment, all executed tasks and their input will be synchronized, including canceled task actions. While syncing, this progress page is shown and afterward, the GUI comes up from scratch.

Uploading the changes that have been made offline

This feature sets a base for more offline logic to come. We have plans for opening subjects with pre-fetched datasets, manipulate data in them, and maybe even some basic offline logic to guide the user through the process.


Zooming out to weeks in the Resource scheduler

In the Resource scheduler, you can now switch between two timescales. The scheduler will start on a time scale with a granularity of days. You can zoom out to weeks. The default view is days.


Minor fixes and tasks

  • We fixed a crash that occurred when you scrolled and clicked in the list bar menu.
  • We fixed three different causes for crashes that could occur in process flows.
  • The following popup didn't show when pagination was turned on for a subject. This has been fixed.


What we'll be working on next sprint

The next sprint we'll be working on:

  • Resolving issues and technical debt.

@Diana Kuipers and team: Thanks for introducing the Compact Mode, we were eagerly looking forward to it! I especially appreciate the generic changes to font size and grid height, which already make the default (Comfortable) mode better than it was before.

I am testing with the BETA version and notice that, apart from the generic Grid height changes (48>44 for rows - which apply to BOTH Comfortable ánd Compact mode), I see no impact of the Compact mode to further reduce Grid height.

To us the most important and expected improvement of a Compact mode is to see much more rows on a Grid and the Compact mode could be a lot more dense in terms of Grid row height - in terms of density the text height is still only about 1/3rd of the row height. 

For comparison:

  • Excel takes a default Row height of 24px for Arial 14px instead of your 44px
  • Gmail (Compact mode) takes a default Row height of 28px for Arial 14px instead of your 44px

I assume and hope this is a bug?

@Arie V Hi Arie, good to hear you are enthusiastic about compact mode. As for the row height being a bug. This is unfortunately an intentional choice we had to make. This is related to grid edit mode where we would need to resolve a lot of problems with the editors if they would have to have a smaller height. We decided to opt for implementing the Row height property in the SF. This will be a separate user story. 

Sebastian and colleagues,

Is it known when adjusting row height will be supported in Universal GUI?
The reduced font size now creates a lot of white space on the screen (between rows), and users don't understand why they have to scroll on mobile devices instead of reducing the row height.